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Posted on: Nov 20 2012, 06:58 PM


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Would discussion of this relatively recently published paper be banned here due to potential astrobiology content?
  Forum: Forum Guide · Post Preview: #194579 · Replies: 130 · Views: 776379

Posted on: Sep 6 2012, 04:31 AM


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QUOTE (markril @ Sep 3 2012, 08:16 PM) *
I don't remember an anagylph of the rover with the +6 and +12 day HiRISE images:


Very nice Mark! Which images did you use as source images? I followed the links but there are many different types of images and I'm not sure which ones to use to make my own.
  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #190702 · Replies: 1152 · Views: 924222

Posted on: Aug 27 2012, 02:43 PM


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QUOTE (nprev @ Aug 25 2012, 10:29 PM) *
Mars' atmosphere is both considerably less dense (approx. .01% of Earth sea-level) and radically different in composition than that of the Earth.

I'm sure you meant to say 1%
  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #190028 · Replies: 307 · Views: 425934

Posted on: Aug 27 2012, 03:32 AM


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Here's version 2.0 of my Navcam download tool, which simplifies the process of downloading multiple left/right stereo image pairs and creating stereoscopic images. This version includes a GUI and supports anaglyph as well as SBS stereoscopic 3D images, a horizontal image offset, a function to find the latest sol number, and a few other changes and additions. A windows executable is attached and the source is below. Here are the links to StereoPhoto Maker and AutoIt. Thanks again jmknapp for http://curiositymsl.com.

After downloading the image pairs and creating the script file, run StereoPhoto Maker, select File, Multi conversion from list, select the script file, the output image type, and then click the Convert Files button.



; This script processes all full frame MSL Navcam images using jmknapp's http://curiositymsl.com, downloads only full frame LR pairs (if not downloaded already) and creates a StereoPhoto Maker script file
; version 2.0, 20120826
; UMSF: 3d_mars

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <ProgressConstants.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <array.au3>

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=navcam_sbs.kxf
$Form_Navcam = GUICreate("MSL Navcam Image Download and Script Generator", 569, 400, 368, 376)
$SetFont = GUISetFont(9)

$Label_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This app downloads MSL Navcam full frame stereo pairs and exports a StereoPhoto Maker script for generating stereoscopic images. NOTE: Only matching left/right image pairs will be downloaded.", 24, 8, 521, 55)

$Label_Input_Sol_Number_Text= GUICtrlCreateLabel("Input Sol", 24, 72, 86, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)
$Input_Sol = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 90, 71, 105, 21)
$Button_Prev_Sol = GUICtrlCreateButton("Prev Sol", 235, 69, 65, 25)
$Button_Next_Sol = GUICtrlCreateButton("Next Sol", 300, 69, 65, 25)
$Button_GetLatestSol = GUICtrlCreateButton("Get Latest Sol", 385, 69, 105, 25)

$Checkbox_Create_Scriptfile = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Create StereoPhoto Maker script file", 24, 100, 270, 17)
GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_Create_Scriptfile, $GUI_CHECKED)
$Checkbox_download_images = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Download Images", 24, 123, 130, 17)
GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_download_images, $GUI_CHECKED)

$Input_Image_Path = GUICtrlCreateInput("Path to save images", 24, 150, 420, 21)
GUICtrlSetTip($Input_Image_Path, "Input path to save images and script file")
$Button_Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse...", 450, 148, 81, 25)

$Label_hOffset = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Horizontal image offset", 24, 185, 160, 17)
$Input_hOffset = GUICtrlCreateInput("-160", 180, 185, 86, 20)

$Button_Start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 24, 224, 65, 25)
$Progressbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(24, 264, 249, 17, $WS_BORDER)

;GUICtrlCreateLabel("text", left, top, width, height)
$Label_Total_Image_Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Images:", 29, 304, 93, 17)
$Label_Total_Image_Count = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0", 139, 304, 50, 17)
$Label_Total_New_Image_Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total New Images:", 29, 328, 107, 17)
$Label_Total_New_Image_Count = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0", 139, 328, 50, 17)

$Label_Status_Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Status:", 29, 368, 37, 17)
$Label_Status = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" ", 71, 368, 400, 17, $SS_SUNKEN)

#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

; read settings from ini
Global $sIniFile = @ScriptDir & "\navcam_sbs.ini"
GUICtrlSetData($Input_Sol, IniRead($sIniFile, "Sol", 0, "1"))
GUICtrlSetData($Input_Image_Path, IniRead($sIniFile, "Image_Path", 1, "Input save path"))
GUICtrlSetData($Input_hOffset, IniRead($sIniFile, "hOffset", 2, "-160"))

While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg
Case $Button_GetLatestSol
Case $Button_Next_Sol
Case $Button_Prev_Sol
Case $Button_Browse
Case $Button_Start

Func GetLatestSol()

$jplsite_file = @TempDir & "\jplsite.txt"

;dump site into file
$return = InetGet("http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?s=", $jplsite_file, 1, 0)

;read file into array
Local $jplsite
If Not _FileReadToArray($jplsite_file, $jplsite) Then
MsgBox(4096, "Error", " Error importing from file to Array error:" & @error)

While 1
;search array for latest sol number
$index = _ArraySearch($jplsite, "Total for Sol",0,0,0,1)

If $index = -1 Then
MsgBox(0,"","no match for sol number on JPL site")

$jplsite_foundline = $jplsite[$index]



$solstrt = StringInStr($jplsite_foundline,"Total for Sol")
$solend = StringInStr($jplsite_foundline,": ")

$sol_latest = StringMid($jplsite_foundline,$solstrt+14,$solend-$solstrt-14)


Func Next_Sol()
$sol_num += 1
Func Prev_Sol()
$sol_num -= 1
if $sol_num < 1 then $sol_num = 1
Func _Browse()
;choose path and file name for images and generated StereoPhoto Maker script file
Local $MyDocsFolder = "::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}"
Local $StereoPhoto_script_file = FileSaveDialog("Choose a path and filename for images and image list:", $MyDocsFolder, "Text Files (*.txt)", 2, "navcam_sol_" & $sol & ".txt")
; option 2 = dialog remains until valid path/file selected
Func _Start()

; start a loop so the function can be aborted at any point

GUICtrlSetData($progressbar, 0)


; create temp filename for listing all URLs for a given sol
; example: c:\users\username\appdata\local\temp\URLs_sol_1.txt
$URL_list_file=@TempDir & "\URLs_sol_" & $sol & ".txt"

; download image URL list to text file
; InetGet option syntax: URL, filename, 1=force reload, 0=wait for download
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Download URLs")
InetGet("http://curiositymsl.com/cgi-bin/getfiles.cgi?sol=" & $sol, $URL_list_file,1,0)

; if no URLs found then abort
If $URL_list_size = 0 Then
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"No URLs found")

; read URL list and import to array
; note: $allURLs[0] contains the number of records read into the array.
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Read URLs into array")
Local $allURLs
If Not _FileReadToArray($URL_list_file, $allURLs) Then
MsgBox(4096, "Error", " Error importing from file to Array error:" & @error)

; search for Navcam full frame (*EDR_F*) (exclude thumbnails) into new array $allframes which contains only image URLs we care about
; Navcam full frame example URLs:
; http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/pr...AUT_04096M_.JPG
; http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/pr...AUT_04096M_.JPG

; declare large array instead of resizing array multiple times, uses very little RAM
Local $allframes[9999]=[0]
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Search for Navcam full frame images")
$x = 1
For $URL in $allURLs
;check for Navcam full frame
If StringInStr($URL,"EDR_F") Then
$x += 1

;record total number of frames
$allframes[0]=$x - 1

; read allframes to find matching left/right pairs
; insert into new arrays $leftframe_Nav, $rightframe_Nav

Local $leftframe_Nav[9999]=[0]
Local $rightframe_Nav[9999]=[0]
Local $leftframe_counter = 0
Local $rightframe_counter = 0

GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Search for Left and Right frames")
For $x = 1 to $allframes[0]
If StringInStr($allframes[$x],"NLA_") Then
;left frame found, store in $leftframe_Nav array
$leftframe_counter += 1
ElseIf StringInStr($allframes[$x],"NRA_") Then
;right frame found, store in $rightframe_Nav array
$rightframe_counter += 1

; if no left full frames then abort and exit
If $leftframe_counter == 0 Then
;MsgBox(0, "", "No frames found")
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"No full frames found")

; using lists of left and right frames, find matches and save output
Local $right_matching_frame_number[9999]=[0]
Local $StereoPhoto_script_lines[9999]=[0]
Local $URL_left_temp, $left_image_file_name, $URL_right_temp, $right_image_file_name, $left_image_full_path, $right_image_full_path

GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Find Left/Right frame matches")
For $x = 1 to $leftframe_Nav[0]
;extract frame number
; returns -1 if no match found
$right_matching_frame_number[$x] = _ArraySearch($rightframe_Nav, $leftframe_image_number, 0, 0, 0, 1)

; update progress bar
Local $Percent = ($x / $leftframe_Nav[0] ) * 100
GUICtrlSetData($progressbar, $Percent)

; download left and right images
If $right_matching_frame_number[$x] <> -1 Then

; increment total image counter (+2 because left and right frames found)
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Total_Image_Count,GUICtrlRead($Label_Total_Image_Count,1) + 2)

; find the file names
$URL_left_temp = StringSplit($leftframe_Nav[$x], "/")
$left_image_file_name = $URL_left_temp[UBound($URL_left_temp)-1]
$URL_right_temp = StringSplit($rightframe_Nav[$right_matching_frame_number[$x]], "/")
$right_image_file_name = $URL_right_temp[UBound($URL_right_temp)-1]

; create full path names
$left_image_full_path=@WorkingDir & "\" & $left_image_file_name
$right_image_full_path=@WorkingDir & "\" & $right_image_file_name

; build array for StereoPhoto Maker script file
$StereoPhoto_script_lines[$x]="21,0,0," & $hOffset & ",0," & $left_image_full_path & "," & $right_image_full_path & ",,"

; download the images
; if the file already exists don't download it again
If Not FileExists($left_image_full_path) Then
; increment total new image counter
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Total_New_Image_Count,GUICtrlRead($Label_Total_New_Image_Count,1) + 1)
If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_download_images) = $GUI_CHECKED Then InetGet($leftframe_Nav[$x],$left_image_full_path,1,0)
If Not FileExists($right_image_full_path) Then
; increment total new image counter
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Total_New_Image_Count,GUICtrlRead($Label_Total_New_Image_Count,1) + 1)
If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_download_images) = $GUI_CHECKED Then InetGet($rightframe_Nav[$right_matching_frame_number[$x]],$right_image_full_path,1,0)



GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Processing complete")

If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Create_Scriptfile) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Save script file")

; write StereoPhoto Maker script file
Local $hFile = FileOpen($StereoPhoto_script_file, 2) ; 2 = erase previous
_FileWriteFromArray($StereoPhoto_script_file, $StereoPhoto_script_lines, 1) ; 1 = index to start
GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status,"Script file saved")

; end function loop
Until 1
; open StereoPhoto Maker, File menu, multi conversion from list...
Func _Shutdown()
; save settings to ini
IniWrite($sIniFile, "Sol", 0, GUICtrlRead($Input_Sol))
IniWrite($sIniFile, "Image_Path", 1, GUICtrlRead($Input_Image_Path))
IniWrite($sIniFile, "hOffset", 2, GUICtrlRead($Input_hOffset))

  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #190006 · Replies: 373 · Views: 245722

Posted on: Aug 23 2012, 05:29 AM


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Posts: 11
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Member No.: 6550

There appear to be parallel lines of pebbles that are very apparent when viewed in 3D. Both left and right images contain the same features. Does anyone else see what I'm trying to point out?

Attached Image

Attached Image
  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #189528 · Replies: 307 · Views: 425934

Posted on: Aug 22 2012, 07:25 PM


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QUOTE (Explorer1 @ Aug 22 2012, 11:50 AM) *
Could the initial hydrogen signal be from an invisible layer of frost? It is still technically winter at the site.

Hydrogen was also found on the calibration targets on the rover.
  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #189483 · Replies: 307 · Views: 425934

Posted on: Aug 21 2012, 02:48 PM


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QUOTE (jmknapp @ Aug 21 2012, 04:49 AM) *
So why might Curiosity be gazing at the sky

Possibly flat field frame calibration.
  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #189340 · Replies: 307 · Views: 425934

Posted on: Aug 18 2012, 03:31 PM


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QUOTE (stewjack @ Aug 17 2012, 02:56 PM) *
How does it register two images if the images are of different sizes, and/or slanted at a different angles?

Here is a link to the documentation. The page that specifically answers your question is here.
  Forum: Image Processing Techniques · Post Preview: #189016 · Replies: 9 · Views: 18390

Posted on: Aug 17 2012, 05:52 PM


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As I mentioned in the other thread I've owned the Sony HMZ-T1 (retail $799) for several months. I've used it to view MER and MSL images with spectacular results. Rocks "pop" out from the surface and the images are much more pleasant to view. The terrain seems real and tangible. For me the biggest advantage of this unit over other 3D display technologies are the high quality OLED displays, one for each eye. Since each eye has a dedicated display there is no ghosting typical with single display units. The displays are very bright, with deep color and CRT-level blacks. In addition to displaying 3D images, I've also used it with google maps and flight simulators, and to play a variety of games and 3D movies on both PC and PS3.

The disadvantages of this unit are price, weight, and comfort. For many people it is too heavy to wear for extended periods of time. I solved this problem with a suspension system which allows me to wear it for hours with no discomfort. Another disadvantage is the experience cannot be shared without removing the unit to give to someone else to wear.
  Forum: Image Processing Techniques · Post Preview: #188904 · Replies: 21 · Views: 27328

Posted on: Aug 17 2012, 02:40 PM


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QUOTE (jmknapp @ Aug 17 2012, 05:36 AM) *
I had to look up what SBS stereo is (but hey, I can't even find my red-blue glasses to see some of the probably amazing anaglyph efforts here). So I take it that you need to have some expensive headgear like the Sony you mentioned to view them ($800) or at least shutter glasses and a special monitor? I wonder what the cheapest entry point is.

I mentioned the hardware as an aside and I don't want to diverge too much from the main purpose of this thread, so allow me to just say that any effort you put into viewing these images in 3D will be worth it, trust me. The Mars landscape comes to life in 3D, and with MSL we have many different 3D image sources. Thank you again MSSS!
  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #188887 · Replies: 373 · Views: 245722

Posted on: Aug 17 2012, 03:59 AM


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Posts: 11
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Member No.: 6550

First post. Here's a small script I wrote to automatically process left and right full frame Navcam image pairs into SBS stereoscopic images. Thanks go to jmknapp for his image list service, http://curiositymsl.com. I originally intended to automate the full process, from downloading the images to creating the final SBS output, but then I realized that I may want to process the images a bit before the final step. I use the free StereoPhoto Maker to create the final images. It's a windows app which is why I chose to write this in AutoIt (also free).

BTW, the images are PHENOMENAL when viewed with the Sony HMZ-T1. I purchased this hardware a few months ago in anticipation of this mission (and other 3D applications), and I've been extremely pleased with the quality of the high contrast dual OLED displays, which present a ghost-free stereo image.

#include <file.au3> ; for _filereadtoarray
#include <Array.au3> ; for _arraydisplay

; 20120816, version 0.1
; This script processes all full frame Navcam images using jmknapp's http://curiositymsl.com, downloads only full frame LR pairs
(if not downloaded already) and creates a StereoPhoto script file
; (todo) Also process Mastcam images
; 3d_mars

; prompt user for sol number to retrieve, $sol
Local $sol = InputBox("Sol Number", "Input Sol Number:")
If @error Then Exit

; create temp file for listing all URLs for a given sol
; example: c:\users\username\appdata\local\temp\URLs_sol_1.txt
$URL_list_file=@TempDir & "\URLs_sol_" & $sol & ".txt"

; download image URL list to text file
; InetGet option syntax: URL, filename, 1=force reload, 0=wait for download
InetGet("http://curiositymsl.com/cgi-bin/getfiles.cgi?sol=" & $sol, $URL_list_file,1,0)

; read URL list and import to array
; note: $allURLs[0] contains the number of records read into the array.
Local $allURLs
If Not _FileReadToArray($URL_list_file, $allURLs) Then
MsgBox(4096, "Error", " Error importing from file to Array error:" & @error)

; search for Navcam full frames (*EDR_F*) insert into new array $allframes
; Navcam full frame example URLs:
; http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/pr...AUT_04096M_.JPG
; http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/pr...AUT_04096M_.JPG

; declare large array instead of resizing array multiple times, uses very little RAM
Local $allframes[9999]=[0]
$x = 1
For $URL in $allURLs
;check for Navcam full frame
If StringInStr($URL,"EDR_F") Then
$x += 1

;record total number of frames
$allframes[0]=$x - 1

; read allframes to find matching left/right pairs
; insert into new arrays $leftframe_Nav, $rightframe_Nav

Local $leftframe_Nav[9999]=[0]
Local $rightframe_Nav[9999]=[0]
Local $leftframe_counter = 0
Local $rightframe_counter = 0

For $x = 1 to $allframes[0]
If StringInStr($allframes[$x],"NLA_") Then
;left frame found, store in $leftframe_Nav array
$leftframe_counter += 1
ElseIf StringInStr($allframes[$x],"NRA_") Then
;right frame found, store in $rightframe_Nav array
$rightframe_counter += 1

; if no left full frames then abort and exit
If $leftframe_counter == 0 Then
MsgBox(0, "", "No Navcam full frames found")

;choose path and file name for images and generated StereoPhoto Maker script file
Local $MyDocsFolder = "::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}"
Local $StereoPhoto_script_file = FileSaveDialog("Choose a path and filename for images and StereoPhoto Maker script file:", $MyDocsFolder,
"Text Files (*.txt)", 2, "navcam_sbs_sol_" & $sol & ".txt")
; option 2 = dialog remains until valid path/file selected

If @error Then
MsgBox(4096, "", "Save cancelled.")

; using lists of left and right frames, find matches and save output
Local $right_matching_frame_number[9999]=[0]
Local $StereoPhoto_script_lines[9999]=[0]
Local $URL_left_temp, $left_image_file_name, $URL_right_temp, $right_image_file_name, $left_image_full_path, $right_image_full_path
For $x = 1 to $leftframe_Nav[0]
;extract frame number
; returns -1 if no match found
$right_matching_frame_number[$x] = _ArraySearch($rightframe_Nav, $leftframe_image_number, 0, 0, 0, 1)

; download left and right images
If $right_matching_frame_number[$x] <> -1 Then

; find the file names
$URL_left_temp = StringSplit($leftframe_Nav[$x], "/")
$left_image_file_name = $URL_left_temp[UBound($URL_left_temp)-1]
$URL_right_temp = StringSplit($rightframe_Nav[$right_matching_frame_number[$x]], "/")
$right_image_file_name = $URL_right_temp[UBound($URL_right_temp)-1]

; create full path names
$left_image_full_path=@WorkingDir & "\" & $left_image_file_name
$right_image_full_path=@WorkingDir & "\" & $right_image_file_name

; build array for StereoPhoto Maker script file
$StereoPhoto_script_lines[$x]="21,0,0,0,0," & $left_image_full_path & "," & $right_image_full_path & ",,"

; download the images
; if the file already exists don't download it again
If Not FileExists($left_image_full_path) Then
If Not FileExists($right_image_full_path) Then



; write StereoPhoto Maker script file
Local $hFile = FileOpen($StereoPhoto_script_file, 2) ; 2 = erase previous
_FileWriteFromArray($StereoPhoto_script_file, $StereoPhoto_script_lines, 1) ; 1 = index to start

; open StereoPhoto Maker, select File menu, select multi conversion from list...
  Forum: MSL · Post Preview: #188859 · Replies: 373 · Views: 245722

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