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Unmanned _ Opportunity _ Victoria - working names of features

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 21 2006, 02:49 AM

Very soon smile.gif we're going to have a hell of a lot of features of Victoria to discuss, so I think it's about time we had some way of telling each other which bits we are talking about. (A bit like naming craters Alpha, Beta.. Zeta, etc)

I know Stu started to label a few features, but only a few, and there are A LOT!

I've tried to divide Victoria into logical sections and given each a letter. Then within each region I've numbered each point of the rim that appears to bend in the opposite way to the curve of the crater, hence numbering "Capes". Some are quite subtle and therefore may not be seen very well in reality but I think it's better to have them all in there.

Here is the map, it is externally linked so should be updated with the latest version. (Now updated with the (half scale) HiRise image)

(Click image for larger version, ~400kB)

A1 is Cape Verde
A2 is The Beacon
P4 is Cabo Frio
and as of the 943 drive we can see the far rim between E2 and K1.

Of course I'm sure that some of the more prominent features will soon acquire more meaningful names, but this should still help us all follow what we're all talking about!

Bays are given the same designation as the cape on there 'clockwise side', thus most of the major bays (which tend to separate lettered regions) then have a "1" designation (making the rule easier to remember). Bay A1, where Oppy is heading first is Duck Bay and the bay that Fredk has measured the slope of is Bay I1. Most of the major bays are marked in red.

JPL's names are also added, as are their numbered capes and bays - in square brackets.
Informal UMSF names are added within round brackets.


Posted by: Bill Harris Sep 21 2006, 02:55 AM

Works for me, James.


Posted by: CosmicRocker Sep 21 2006, 03:05 AM

Coincidentally, Mark Adler (who has been doing a nice job as Emily's guest blogger this week) regarding this very topic. He's described the naming convention that the MER team is using for the features at Victoria.

Each of the protrusions on the far rim are being called "capes" and some of the indents between them "bays". Some are getting names like Cape Verde and Duck Bay, and most are getting numbers, Cape4, Bay2.
It would be nice if we could use the same names, but unfortunately it will probably be some time before we learn more about the official your proposal works for me, as well.

Posted by: fredk Sep 21 2006, 03:12 AM

James, I was just trying to think of a temporary naming scheme myself - again today you've managed to transform my wishes into reality! biggrin.gif

I'm OK with your scheme as far as capes go, but what do you suggest for naming bays? "The bay between H1 and I1" is a bit tedious, but perhaps just "bay H1-I1"?

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 21 2006, 03:32 AM

QUOTE (fredk @ Sep 21 2006, 01:12 PM) *
James, I was just trying to think of a temporary naming scheme myself - again today you've managed to transform my wishes into reality! biggrin.gif

And only yesterday I was just starting to think - "I wonder if I could estimate the slope of some bays using the MOC and Navcams" before seeing your post doing the very calculation. Great minds think alike, as they say. wink.gif

QUOTE (fredk @ Sep 21 2006, 01:12 PM) *
I'm OK with your scheme as far as capes go, but what do you suggest for naming bays? "The bay between H1 and I1" is a bit tedious, but perhaps just "bay H1-I1"?

Yeah I was thinking about that, and I think "Bay H1-I1", etc. is they way to go, unless we adopted some convention where the bay has the same name as the cape clockwise(or anti) of it. But maybe that would get confusing, "Is it the cape clockwise of the bay, or the bay clockwise of the cape?" unsure.gif


Posted by: Stu Sep 21 2006, 05:30 AM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 21 2006, 02:49 AM) *
I know Stu started to label a few features, but only a few, and there are A LOT!

Doesn't matter; no-one paid the slightest bit of attention to my suggestions anyway. Numbering makes sense, tho if we were being daring and creative we could come up with something better I'm sure... naaah, let's stick with numbers, your map is excellent James, a great starting point. I'm sure we'll have the real names soon enough, they're probably already decided upon anyway by the MER guys. smile.gif

Posted by: fredk Sep 21 2006, 05:56 AM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 21 2006, 03:32 AM) *
And only yesterday I was just starting to think - "I wonder if I could estimate the slope of some bays using the MOC and Navcams" before seeing your post doing the very calculation. Great minds think alike, as they say. wink.gif

Alike indeed! But you know, there are plenty more bays on this "shore", and there's nothing like independent confirmation to boost the confidence of even a "great mind". wink.gif

But it's not like we can't think of a thousand other things to do with these pictures, and oh yeah, almost forgot, perhaps actually get a bit of work done that we're actually paid to do! laugh.gif

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 21 2006, 06:02 AM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 21 2006, 01:32 PM) *
unless we adopted some convention where the bay has the same name as the cape clockwise(or anti) of it. But maybe that would get confusing, "Is it the cape clockwise of the bay, or the bay clockwise of the cape?" unsure.gif

Actually, thinking about it some more, this could work. If bays are given the same designation as the cape on there clockwise side then most of the major bays (which tend to seperate lettered regions) would have a "1" designation making the scheme easier to remember. Duck Bay would be "Bay A1" and the bay that Fredk has measured the slope of would be "Bay I1"


Posted by: Bill Harris Sep 21 2006, 10:24 AM

Cape and Bay works, too. We can adopt a temporary alpha-numeric scheme and revise that to whatever JPL/Cornell use. Remember, "informal" and formal names.

I was in-informally thinking along the lines of salients and recesses, but this ain't tectonic...


Posted by: Castor Sep 21 2006, 12:06 PM

Does anybody know when the clean (i.e. unlabelled) version of the latest Victoria base image will be released by MSSS? And what number will it have?


Posted by: Tesheiner Sep 21 2006, 02:08 PM

For a date I don't know for sure; there was talk about an October release.
About numbering it should be S11-00471.

Posted by: fredk Sep 21 2006, 03:32 PM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 21 2006, 06:02 AM) *
Actually, thinking about it some more, this could work. If bays are given the same designation as the cape on there clockwise side then most of the major bays (which tend to seperate lettered regions) would have a "1" designation making the scheme easier to remember. Duck Bay would be "Bay A1" and the bay that Fredk has measured the slope of would be "Bay I1"

I like this abbreviated bay notation. Let's use it!

Posted by: Bobby Sep 21 2006, 04:02 PM

I think all the features should be named for all the diehards in both forums who talk about The Rovers and their Journeys and Discoveries. It would be great to honor us all. biggrin.gif

Just imagine seeing Tesheiner Ridge, fredk outlook, Horton's viewpoint, Stu Ripples down at the bottom, Doug's overhang or jamescanvin Coffee Stop at Beacon??? LOL


Posted by: Stu Sep 21 2006, 04:14 PM

With all due respect to our Boss, I'm not entirely sure I want to see hi-resolution, enhanced views of Doug's, er, "overhang"...!!!! ohmy.gif


Posted by: imipak Sep 21 2006, 07:25 PM

QUOTE (Bobby @ Sep 21 2006, 05:02 PM) *
I think all the features should be named for all the diehards in both forums who talk about The Rovers and their Journeys and Discoveries. It would be great to honor us all. biggrin.gif

Just imagine seeing Tesheiner Ridge, fredk outlook, Horton's viewpoint, Stu Ripples down at the bottom, Doug's overhang or jamescanvin Coffee Stop at Beacon??? LOL

I'm with you on that Bobby! Also, I seem to remember after Stu pointed out the interesting south-west bays, some possible gullies, interesting overhangs and some other features, that someone else suggested at least one being named "Stu's inlets" (or ramps, bays, whatever they were being referred to at the time.) Can't find the post though... this was a quite a few months back, IIRC.

IMO A1, B1 etc are (a) very dull, (cool.gif entirely arbitrary ( c) forgettable (d) no fun! smile.gif These are "informal" names after all, it's not as if it really means anything except here on UMSF, for the next few days/weeks until we learn the official names. Also, a semi-objective way to allocate names would be by total number of posts... eg. on the route map thread, that gives us the following candidate names:

Bill Harris
Phil Stooke
Bob Shaw
Toma B
[... etc ..]

...which would all look good with 'Cape' or 'Bay' after them.

Posted by: Gray Sep 21 2006, 07:34 PM

Don't forget Bobby. (After all it was his suggestion). wink.gif

Posted by: climber Sep 21 2006, 08:21 PM

QUOTE (imipak @ Sep 21 2006, 09:25 PM) *
Bill Harris
Phil Stooke
Bob Shaw
Toma B
[... etc ..]
...which would all look good with 'Cape' or 'Bay' after them.

Can also be sorted out by :
+ near or far rimers biggrin.gif
+ bet before or after arrival at VC wink.gif

Posted by: djellison Sep 21 2006, 08:27 PM

Actually - I think we're going down a bit of a cul-de-sac here as there is a big list of places that Victoria visited waiting to be assigned to the various features 'officially' and we could get confused if we try to 'jump' that process.

The odd crater ( Albert became Erebus, Corner became Beagle etc etc ) is fair enough - but a whole swathe of Capes and Bays would be an un-necessarily complicated twist to what I think will become quite a hard place for us to get to know.

So - my suggestion ( flattering though it was to have someone suggest my name should be in the mix ) is that we don't go through this process as we'll end up very confused.


Posted by: climber Sep 21 2006, 09:46 PM

Agree, as I wrote on "Duck Bay" topic, I think we'll have fun to find out the places (on Earth) visited by Magellan corresponding of the naming (in VC) as the Mer team release more and more "official" names.
No doubt we could have imagination finding out names in VC but, by keeping A,B,C, 1,2,3 there'll be no confusion untill they'll get named by Mer team.
On the other end, opening a "detective" thread about what I said here above, would link Victoria's exploration to Magellan's journey, and I like this (Ustrax) idea

Posted by: gregp1962 Sep 22 2006, 05:20 AM

Names do sounds more personal. (Though, I would also not want to be stuck below "Doug's Overhang" or "Pando's Protrusion")

But, the numbering system sounds good in this case because it's more a matter determining location of a feature. The feature can be named, and it's location described by the numbering system.

Posted by: dilo Sep 22 2006, 05:35 AM

QUOTE (Castor @ Sep 21 2006, 12:06 PM) *
Does anybody know when the clean (i.e. unlabelled) version of the latest Victoria base image will be released by MSSS? And what number will it have?

Do not know, Castor. But I worked to remove labels and I encourage all (especially James) to use
About idea to use forum members names, I like it but the number of bays is limited and someone could be angry for exclusion... rolleyes.gif

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 22 2006, 05:53 AM

Thanks for pointing me at your cleaned up image again Dilo - I was going to use that the first time but I couldn't find where I downloaded it or your post again.

Posted by: MizarKey Sep 22 2006, 06:12 AM

Right! I'm staking a claim to the ledge that is M1. I'm sticking my flag in it. It is Mizar's Cornice! There, I claimed it, it's mine.

Posted by: Stu Sep 22 2006, 08:58 AM

QUOTE (MizarKey @ Sep 22 2006, 06:12 AM) *
Right! I'm staking a claim to the ledge that is M1. I'm sticking my flag in it. It is Mizar's Cornice! There, I claimed it, it's mine.

Love that! Wow, this could become an UMSF martian land rush!

Like stallions in the days of Earth's Old Wild West, a line of rovers comes screaming across Meridiani, dust trailing behind them... as they approach Victoria they peel away in different directions, their drivers heading for different outcrops, ledges and bays, jostling for position, nudging and side-swiping competitors out of the way... as each rover reaches its target its door opens and a spacesuited figure bounds out, clutching a pole with a banner or pennant hanging from the top... with a celebratory yell they thrust the pole into the frigid martian ground, claiming it as their own, and stand back in triumph to watch their banner fluttering in the weak martian wind... looking around them they see the rim of Victoria decorated with dozens of other banners and pennants, the greys and tans of the great impact scar overwhelmed by the bright reds, oranges, greens and blues of the UMSF members' flags flapping and cracking above it...

And to quote the great man hinmself... I want that one...


Posted by: climber Sep 22 2006, 09:21 AM

Once we'll have a good shot of them, I'll claim Climber's Caves!

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 23 2006, 03:58 AM

Here are the labeled Victoria maps using Dilo's cleaned version.

(Click images for full size versions, 188kB each)


Posted by: Stu Sep 23 2006, 07:15 AM

Thanks James, they're going to be invaluable in the weeks and months ahead. smile.gif

Posted by: Nix Sep 23 2006, 07:58 AM

Absolutely! Good work, I made a print of that to keep track of things.

Thanks James.


Posted by: Stu Sep 23 2006, 08:20 AM

Okay, just to kill some time here before something actually happens wink.gif here's a just-a-bit-of-fun question for those who feel like playing...

YOU'RE in charge of Victoria feature naming. You're The Guy at JPL who makes the decision. Your word is, like Doug's, Law, no-one will argue against your choices. You have James' excellent chart spread out in front of you on your big, Battlestar Galactica bridge type underlit table, and your job is to name those outcrops and features... and you can call them and name them after whatever the heck you want.

What would you name the features after? Movie characters? Characters from sci-fi? Historical figures? Figures from martian exploration history? Fave cartoon characters? Family members and friends?

Absolutely nothing wrong with the Magellan-inspired names, just wondering what UMSFers would choose if they had the power...


Posted by: climber Sep 23 2006, 09:21 AM

I'll keep the Magellan proposition because :
1- it's got the spirit of exploration
2- It'll be fun to find out with others UMSF'ers where the marsian named place are actually on Earth and how/why there were named by Magellan
3- Steve Squyres said to "our" Ustrax it was a good idea wink.gif

Posted by: Stu Sep 23 2006, 09:24 AM

I agree with all your points smile.gif I'm not suggesting an "alternative" map of martian place names, not going to complicate things, I'm just asking a general question... just looking for a little insight into UMSFers interests, that's all.

Posted by: angel1801 Sep 23 2006, 09:25 AM

This is my very first post in any MER related forum. My best work is in the icy moons of Saturn.
But I will suggest a naming convention for the Victoria features. How about naming them after the people who died on 9/11? US technology being used on Mars honoring US citizens who died on that day!

Posted by: climber Sep 23 2006, 09:54 AM

QUOTE (Stu @ Sep 23 2006, 11:24 AM) *
I agree with all your points smile.gif I'm not suggesting an "alternative" map of martian place names, not going to complicate things, I'm just asking a general question... just looking for a little insight into UMSFers interests, that's all.

OK Stu got the point!
It's hard not to say :
Mer's related people ; Astronomes or astronomy related names basicaly lot of topics looking kind of "evident" for us here.
So, I'd pick "Actual or ancient Ethnics minorities of the world" (I've myself a lot to learn on the subject)

Posted by: mars loon Sep 23 2006, 10:57 AM

Marco, James

beautiful map and labeling scheme. My personnal sweet spot is for K1. Ken's Koves: Boating in Victoria.

It looks to be overlooking one of the best spots to launch boat tours and scientific expeditions with a stirring view of both Victoria and Sofi.


Posted by: CosmicRocker Sep 24 2006, 05:01 AM

Welcome to the MER corner, angel1801. I think everyone here understands why you would suggest the names of those unfortunate souls, but with almost 3000 of them to memorialize it will be difficult to choose which names to use for features we identify here. I think about those people almost every day as I evaluate conditions on this planet. I keep hoping that the the people who can give more official names to things will find a way to remember them in this mission. This might seem too graphic to some, but that field of dust ripples we expect to see at the bottom of this crater somehow seems morbidly appropriate for such a memorial.

Posted by: CosmicRocker Sep 24 2006, 05:26 AM

I originally came to this thread to post a suggestion, but it seemed irreverent to tack my suggestion onto my previous post. As I was trying to identify a feature on the opposite rim, it became apparent that it would be easier to do so if James' labelled map was oriented like the route map, with north on the top. I guess an alternative would be to add the labels to the route map, but that could become cluttered in the future. ...just a thought.

As for suggesting alternative names, for the time being, I'm comfortable with calling E1, E1.

Posted by: angel1801 Sep 24 2006, 05:36 AM

I think ethnic groups get enough places for them at the moment.

ie Titan, Rhea, Ariel, Triton, Io, etc

There are lots of un-named craters on Rhea that need names right now. On this moon, creation myths and places of the worlds ethnic groups are used.

On Titan, we have names that use two different ethnic groups in one feature name.

Triton has sea and aquatic gods and places from all the world's cultures.

Ariel has spirits from the world's cultures.

And Io has multi-cultural names for fire gods.

Posted by: gregp1962 Sep 24 2006, 05:46 AM

Doug, I'm thinking that it would a good to have James' two charts in post #26 of this thread pinned in the Opportunity forum topic menu for quick reference.

In fact, as I think about it, what if there were a thread that is 'read only' to everyone but the administrator, (Doug) that had nothing but basic satellite views and maps?

Many times, I find myself searching for a map or satellite view that I remember seeing but can't find. It would be nice to be able to have one thread with just the maps etc. and no comments. The comments could be in the regular threads....kind of a reference library of maps.

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 24 2006, 06:36 AM

QUOTE (CosmicRocker @ Sep 24 2006, 03:26 PM) *
I originally came to this thread to post a suggestion, but it seemed irreverent to tack my suggestion onto my previous post. As I was trying to identify a feature on the opposite rim, it became apparent that it would be easier to do so if James' labelled map was oriented like the route map, with north on the top. I guess an alternative would be to add the labels to the route map, but that could become cluttered in the future. ...just a thought.

Your right, it would be better if north was at the top - I'll sort it when I get a chance. I wouldn't add all the labels to the route map just those that we start talking about a lot.

To help you all with your ID's of the far rim, here is JPL's pancam mosaic alongside my labeled straightened rim.

As were not sitting at the centre of Victoria, a few features don't quite line up, but it's pretty close.


Posted by: Stu Sep 24 2006, 06:57 AM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 24 2006, 06:36 AM) *
To help you all with your ID's of the far rim, here is JPL's pancam mosaic alongside my labeled straightened rim.

Just a quick note to say thanks for the excellent work you've done on these images james; I know it's helped me make a lot more sense out of Victoria. As the crater opens up before our eyes your labelled panoramas are going to be invaluable for us all. Cheers! smile.gif

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 24 2006, 08:52 AM

Thanks Stu, if you liked that, you'll love this. smile.gif

I've been playing around (as you do on a non driving sol! wink.gif ) and I've managed to distort the MOC image in such a way as to fit to the viewing angles from Duck Bay. i.e The line of sight from Duck Bay to any feature is vertically up in the distorted MOC image, it's not perfect but pretty close.

So here is another version of the pancam/MOC comparison and it's a much better fit to what we see. smile.gif


Posted by: Stu Sep 24 2006, 09:09 AM

Very nice... smile.gif

Don't know about anyone else, but I'm ready to get out and give Oppy a push at this point. If you look at the top half of James' latest creation you can see that just below our current line of sight are some very intriguing features... hints of gullies, rock falls, more ledges and structure... and STILL Sofi crater is fascinating me, no-one has yet answered my asked-donkeys'-years-ago question of when it was created, pre- or post-VC impact... any ideas..?

Couple of items of interest...

I asked this some time ago, but no-obne replied, so I am still wondering if this used to be a Sofi-type impact crater...

... because every other bay has a rim roughly level with the crater's edge, while this one seems to my untrained eyes (correct me if I'm wrong... I'm sure someone will!) to be raised up above that level. Is this a Sofi-type crater that has been eroded away by the wasting process shaping the crater's rim?

And is this really a gully...?


Posted by: fredk Sep 24 2006, 04:20 PM

James, that last Duck Bay view is superb - thanks!

Stu, this complete non-geologist can't believe that Sofi could have survived Victoria impact, got covered in Victoria ejecta, and eventually eroded clean to reveal such a superbly defined crater bowl. I vote for post-VC, and probably very-post.

To me that F1 bay doesn't appear to have a raised rim. That's just how a long bay appears when foreshortened.

Posted by: volcanopele Sep 24 2006, 04:27 PM

QUOTE (angel1801 @ Sep 23 2006, 10:36 PM) *
On Titan, we have names that use two different ethnic groups in one feature name.

Actually, the "H" has two names. The top branch is named Fensal, and the bottom branch, plus the dark region surrounding Elba Facula, is named Aztlan. Since we have considered the "H" as one feature for so long, the imaging team often hyphenates the name when both branches are in view ("Fensal-Aztlan"). It isn't the official name of the feature, however.

Posted by: Reckless Sep 24 2006, 04:32 PM

Thanks James that latest Duck Bay with labels is great and very helpful
Roy F smile.gif

Posted by: Shaka Sep 24 2006, 07:06 PM

QUOTE (fredk @ Sep 24 2006, 06:20 AM) *
Stu, this complete non-geologist can't believe that Sofi could have survived Victoria impact, got covered in Victoria ejecta, and eventually eroded clean to reveal such a superbly defined crater bowl. I vote for post-VC, and probably very-post.

I would certainly have to agree, Freddo, since I figure VC as Noachian-Hesperian in age. Nothing this close to the Victoria 'ground zero' would have survived in anything resembling its original form. Its particles would be scattered over thousands of km^2.

I have to say, though, that there is something 'special' about Sofi Crater. In the MOC image it has a clean, conical appearance, that conjures up a big 'ant lion' pit! I have seriously wondered if it could even be a 'sinkhole' draining into VC through some crevice. It looks nothing at all like Beagle, though both are presumably recent. It looks amazingly 'precarious', fitted neatly into the 'cabo' like that. I wonder if the present rim of VC has slowly eroded outward to 'embrace' it I certainly hope Oppy gets a close look at Sofi before we finish with Victoria.

Posted by: diane Sep 24 2006, 07:20 PM

QUOTE (Shaka @ Sep 24 2006, 03:06 PM) *
It looks nothing at all like Beagle

Actually, it looks quite a bit like Emma Dean. But we really won't know much more about it without a visit.

Posted by: mars loon Sep 24 2006, 11:43 PM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 24 2006, 08:52 AM) *
So here is another version of the pancam/MOC comparison and it's a much better fit to what we see. smile.gif

Clever and creative. Very nice James .... and a fabulous view of K1 smile.gif

I was also wondering (like CR) if you can orient the labeled map with North at top as time permits. curious why you didn't do that originally. wink.gif


Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 25 2006, 12:01 AM

QUOTE (mars loon @ Sep 25 2006, 09:43 AM) *
curious why you didn't do that originally. wink.gif

Because the original labeled version of the image comes that way round and it didn't occur to me at the time. smile.gif I'll sort it as soon as I get the chance.


Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 25 2006, 02:52 AM

I've updated the maps so that north is at the top. I've also made a version with the major bays labeled in blue (version on the right) - I'm not sure if I find it better or too cluttered, so I'm loading both so you can choose whichever you prefer.


Posted by: Stu Sep 25 2006, 09:44 AM

I've just started reading RED MARS (yes, again.. it's almost an annual ritual for me...) and for a bit of fun I thought I'd label features on James' excellent chart with character names from the books. This will mean absolutely nothing to members who haven't read the books, of course, but a few others might find it interesting...

L2/3 - "John Boone" - (because this outcrop, like JB, is at the heart of everything... smile.gif )
K1/2 - "Maya" - ( because, this outcrop is, like Maya, as always, standing right between John Boone and... )
J3 - "Frank Chalmers" - (because like FC it's sharp and damaged...)
G2 - "Simon Clayborne" (just because this outcrop is close to...)
H1 - "Ann Clayborne" (because this outcrop is, like AC, very isolated and looks out over the whole of the landscape, seeing it from a unique viewpoint, different to all the others)
D1 - "Phyllis" (just because it's very isolated)
C2 - "Hiroko" - (because it's on completely the other side to all the other outcrops and characters, looking at the world from an entirely different perspective, watching the other side but concentrating on her own. Also very hard to see)
B3 - "Coyote" (because it's close to Hiroko but within sight, and reach, of everyone else...)
P4 - "Sax" - ( because, like Sax, it's jagged and directly opposite Ann!)
P2 - "Michel Duval" (because it's close to Sax but not many others...)
O3 - "Art" (because it's close to...)
0 1/2 "Nadia" (because, like Nadia, this outcrop is solid, no-nonsense and steady, with firm foundations. Also because it's close to...)
N3 - "Arkady"...

Purely personal, not suggesting we use these as names in discussions. Wonder if anyone else is a massive fan of the books? I'd been interested in Mars since childhood, but it only became a real place for me, I must admit, when I read RED MARS for the first time. Suddenly someone "got" MY Mars... smile.gif

Posted by: Zeke4ther Sep 25 2006, 07:58 PM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 24 2006, 10:52 PM) *
I've updated the maps so that north is at the top. ...

Excellent James!

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 25 2006, 09:31 PM

QUOTE (Stu @ Sep 25 2006, 07:44 PM) *
I've just started reading RED MARS (yes, again.. it's almost an annual ritual for me...)

Me too. Just last week I started Red Mars for maybe the fifth time. smile.gif

Good alt naming scheme.

Posted by: Stu Sep 26 2006, 09:53 AM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 25 2006, 09:31 PM) *
Me too. Just last week I started Red Mars for maybe the fifth time. smile.gif

Always nice to meet a fellow addict! smile.gif

My name is Stu................ and I'm a Mars Trilogy-aholic...

Posted by: MahFL Sep 26 2006, 12:07 PM

I have read all the books smile.gif

Posted by: akuo Sep 26 2006, 12:28 PM

Too bad the trilogy goes down the drain after about half way through Green Mars. Blue Mars was mindnumblingly boring.

But the chapter in Red Mars about the landing and first sols on Mars has to be about the best ever chapter in any book for a space geek.

Posted by: imipak Sep 26 2006, 03:53 PM

QUOTE (MahFL @ Sep 26 2006, 01:07 PM) *
I have read all the books smile.gif

I haven't read them, but given that they're about terraforming and colonising Mars, I think we can safely file 'em under 'fantasy' along with Patrick Moore's six-foot long killer Martian dragonflies. I confess I'm a little hyper-sensitive to such stuff, having crossed swords on with some extremely annoying idiots who are convinced they're a realistic blueprint for the future.

Anyway, this is waaaaay off-topic.... so, ObMER question: Sol 951 is the one, right? We've done the short test drives, so Oppy must surely be ready for the final drive to Duck Bay? After all, the Atlantis orbiter has landed now smile.gif

So, will I wake up tomorrow morning (UK time) to find a full post-drive panorama at Exploratorium...? (or did I dream it?)

Posted by: mhoward Sep 26 2006, 09:23 PM

Has been noticed?

Posted by: volcanopele Sep 26 2006, 09:53 PM

hehe, mhoward, confusion reigns!

The MOC and MER teams have a joint release showing their current nomenclature for Victoria crater spurs and gullies:

Posted by: mhoward Sep 26 2006, 10:02 PM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Sep 26 2006, 09:53 PM) *
The MOC and MER teams have a joint release showing their current nomenclature for Victoria crater spurs and gullies:

Those match the labels in the link I posted, as far as I can tell. But are these permanent assignments, or are they going to change everything when more capes and bays are visible, I wonder.

Posted by: djellison Sep 26 2006, 10:13 PM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Sep 26 2006, 10:53 PM) *
confusion reigns!

And as I sit with a hand under my chin tapping a finger...

" I predicted...."


Post 18 - this thread.


Posted by: Stu Sep 26 2006, 10:25 PM

QUOTE (mhoward @ Sep 26 2006, 10:02 PM) *
Those match the labels in the link I posted, as far as I can tell. But are these permanent assignments, or are they going to change everything when more capes and bays are visible, I wonder.

I'm sure they'll have real names soon, then we'll have a clearer picture and can do some serious armchair navigating! smile.gif Actually, I don't think there's much "confusion reigning" here, it's just a shift from our speculation to JPL's official work. The time and effort spent mapping and charting and labelling VC wasn't wasted, IMHO; James in particular put in a great deal of work on hischarts and labels, and I can only speak personally, of course, but I know they made Victoria seem more "real" to me, just because he got us all thinking about it in a more focussed way and concentrating on its structure and shape.

And it was fun, and gave us something to do waiting for pictures to come in! wink.gif

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 26 2006, 10:27 PM

Hmm, I don't think confusion does reign. It's not like the same name is used for different features in the two schemes. Hence there can never be any confusion!

The only confusion will be when we see more of the crater and JPL has to assign more names out of sequence. I can't beleve they only named the things they could see at the time - how short sighted is that! And I can see at least two major bays between Bay1 and Bay2 that they could see at the time as well. Pretty poor effort in my opinion, I'll stick with my scheme for now I think.


Posted by: volcanopele Sep 26 2006, 10:32 PM

Well, there is always confusion for a bit when switching from one nomenclature scheme to a new one. I know I called Shikoku Facula "Great Britain" accidently for a few weeks after the official names for Titan features were picked. The VIMS team still stubornly use "The Snail" for Tortola Facula, despite the fact that the official name has been around for a year now. James, you may want to consider just supplementing the JPL scheme, rather than just using your own, since people using two different naming schemes can be a source of confusion.

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 26 2006, 11:07 PM

Well I'll add JPL's names to my map and then we can use either or both. Both schemes are complicated enough that if your going to get confused by which one is being used your definitely going to need a labeled map to tell you which is which anyway. It's gonna get even more complicated when some of them get official "Magellan" names as well. rolleyes.gif


Posted by: fredk Sep 26 2006, 11:08 PM

I think we should definitely continue using James's naming scheme. Two big reasons:

1. As James already said, the schemes share no names in common, so confusion cannot arise.

2. The "official" jpl scheme is not nearly complete. We can already see features that have no jpl names, and very likely in a day or two we will have most of the rest of the rim within view. We know very well that the pipeline from official channels is sporadic at best, so we likely won't see official names for the remaining features for some time.

It's in the absence of names that the greatest danger for confusion can arise.

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 27 2006, 12:01 AM

Just to add to fredk's point 2. If JPL continue to only name features after they are seen (and only tell us about them a week or more later) then these names are virtually useless to us. The most likely time folks on this board are going to want to talk about a feature is within hours (or even minutes!) of the images hitting the ground and that's when we need to be able know what we're refering to.

Posted by: RNeuhaus Sep 27 2006, 02:26 AM

QUOTE (fredk @ Sep 26 2006, 06:08 PM) *
I think we should definitely continue using James's naming scheme. Two big reasons:

1. As James already said, the schemes share no names in common, so confusion cannot arise.

2. The "official" jpl scheme is not nearly complete. We can already see features that have no jpl names, and very likely in a day or two we will have most of the rest of the rim within view. We know very well that the pipeline from official channels is sporadic at best, so we likely won't see official names for the remaining features for some time.

It's in the absence of names that the greatest danger for confusion can arise.

It is better to wait a little until JPL recuperate the lost time in naming the places. So we are going to avoid the confusion. I agree that UMSF names some place in advance such as Corner Crater, Epsilon, Zeta, etc. and we all know that these names are "nicknames" and they are not official.


Posted by: Pavel Sep 27 2006, 02:39 AM

QUOTE (RNeuhaus @ Sep 26 2006, 10:26 PM) *
It is better to wait a little until JPL recuperate the lost time in naming the places. So we are going to avoid the confusion. I agree that UMSF names some place in advance such as Corner Crater, Epsilon, Zeta, etc. and we all know that these names are "nicknames" and they are not official.


However, it would be incredibly cool if Sofi crater were actually named Sofi, giving respect both to the UMSF folks and the girl who gave the (official!) names to the rovers.

Posted by: Tesheiner Sep 27 2006, 06:52 AM

QUOTE (fredk @ Sep 27 2006, 01:08 AM) *
It's in the absence of names that the greatest danger for confusion can arise.

Whenever you have a name or Id to call a feature you can avoid referencing it by something like "that fourth bay from right to left seen on the third (of four) pancams".

Posted by: jamescanvin Sep 27 2006, 07:28 AM

New versions using the clean MOC image that has just been released. Now with a third version that includes JPL's numbered capes as well (right).


Posted by: Castor Sep 27 2006, 09:44 AM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 26 2006, 11:27 PM) *
The only confusion will be when we see more of the crater and JPL has to assign more names out of sequence. I can't beleve they only named the things they could see at the time - how short sighted is that! And I can see at least two major bays between Bay1 and Bay2 that they could see at the time as well. Pretty poor effort in my opinion, I'll stick with my scheme for now I think.


I can only agree with James' comments. It seems very strange to name Cape 0 and Cape 1 on nearly opposite sides of the crater when we know there are plenty of capes in between. Are we going to get Cape 0a, Cape 0b, etc.?

James' method seems much more logical.


Posted by: Zeke4ther Sep 27 2006, 03:17 PM

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 27 2006, 03:28 AM) *
New versions using the clean MOC image that has just been released. Now with a third version that includes JPL's numbered capes as well James

No confusion here, seems pretty clear. Good work James.

Posted by: climber Sep 27 2006, 07:33 PM

May I add a suggestion?
Why don't we call one cape : Cape Canaveral ?

Imagine the Head Lines :
"After travelling 1000 Sols, Opportunity is back to Cape Canaveral"

Or, if they select Meridianii for Mars Sample Return :
"MSR Launched from Cape Canaveral and will be launched again from Cape Canaveral" blink.gif

Well, I'm just having fun with the idea smile.gif

Posted by: jamescanvin Oct 11 2006, 01:48 AM

New version using the HiRise image (at half resolution).

(Click image for larger version, 344kB)


Posted by: Floyd Oct 11 2006, 11:49 AM

Fantastic job James! A couple of minor points on bays. Should B2 really be B1? Your placement of D1 and P1 each label two adajacent bays (C5/D1, and P2/P1). While some bays are very small, it may be helpful to include labels for every one.


Posted by: jamescanvin Oct 12 2006, 12:04 AM

I'm glad someone was paying attention. rolleyes.gif

I'll fix it when I get a chance.

Posted by: jamescanvin Oct 12 2006, 02:05 AM

Fixed now. wink.gif

Posted by: MizarKey Nov 10 2006, 01:28 AM

I went looking, but couldn't find if they've 'renamed' Sofi there an official name yet?

Posted by: jamescanvin Nov 10 2006, 01:40 AM

I don't think so. AFAIK it has only been mentioned by the team once (when the far rim was starting to appear) when they called it 'Bright Crater', obviously a reference to it being bright in L2 and not an official name.


EDIT: BTW, I've just updated the names map to include Cape St. Mary and Sputnik.

Posted by: Bill Harris Nov 10 2006, 02:56 AM

Is there a convention for designating of naming the "minor bays" between the Capes? For example, the minor bay between Cape Verde and Cape StMary.


Posted by: jamescanvin Nov 10 2006, 03:13 AM

Yes, bays are given the same designation as the cape on there 'clockwise side', hence the bay between CV and CStM would be 'Bay A2'. I only labeled major bays on the map to avoid it becoming too cluttered.

Posted by: fredk Nov 10 2006, 03:14 AM

Yes there is a convention - we decided to name the bays after the cape clockwise of it. So the bay you asked about is Bay A2. (Same convention that applies to the larger bays that are on the map, of course.)

Edit: Ah yes, two essentially identical replies at essentially the same time. Why does this not surprize me?

Posted by: Bill Harris Nov 10 2006, 11:29 AM

Ok, Thank you thank you... biggrin.gif


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