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Unmanned _ Telescopic Observations _ Big storm on Saturn

Posted by: john_s Dec 15 2010, 12:37 AM

The solar system is a happening place this week! I just learned of a major storm in Saturn's northern hemisphere, being monitored by the usual band of talented amateurs. See for a list of recent images. has a particularly nice image.


Posted by: nprev Dec 15 2010, 03:58 AM

That's a big 'un! Is Cassini in any kind of a position (both orbitally & in terms of planning flexibility) to snap a few close-ups?

Posted by: volcanopele Dec 15 2010, 08:34 AM

Of course it is in a position, but always remember, Cassini observations are planned months in advance and changes in the observation plan almost never happen (trust me, we tried). Near the end of Rev142, there are a couple of quick imaging opportunities with the WAC but nothing extensive. The storm should be visible during the December 24 observation. The next orbit, Rev143 has many more Saturn observations, so hopefully the storm will stick around till then.

Posted by: stevesliva Dec 16 2010, 06:55 PM

I hate to ask this question, but I'm really curious. If Cassini had a scan platform, would on-demand retargeting be a lot more feasible? I'm thinking, yes, we'd simply be trading off imaging vs. imaging, not imaging vs. the whole suite. But I don't know enough about the sequencing. Would a spacecraft with a scan platform have a separate sequence for the scan platform that could be modified by itself?

Posted by: Toma B Dec 16 2010, 07:31 PM

Maybe Hubble Space Telescope can snap some nice image of this BIG NEW STORM.
Does any member of UMSF knows somebody in Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)?

Posted by: john_s Dec 16 2010, 11:56 PM

QUOTE (stevesliva @ Dec 16 2010, 07:55 PM) *
I hate to ask this question, but I'm really curious. If Cassini had a scan platform, would on-demand retargeting be a lot more feasible?

It would certainly be simpler, but nothing in spacecraft operations is simple. There would still be numerous issues to be resolved- what pre-planned observations would be displaced, where would the data be put and when would they be downloaded, thermal implications of the new scan platform orientation would have to be checked, and new command sequences would have to be developed and tested. The Mars Rovers are always responding to new information on ~24 hour timescales, but they and their operations are designed from the ground up to be able to do that. Orbital missions are never that flexible.


Posted by: Ian R Dec 17 2010, 06:30 AM

This seems to be a re-occurring phenomenon on Saturn - remember the large equatorial outbreak of 1990?

Of course, English actor and comedian Will Hay is famous for (probably) being the first astronomer to observe one of these white spots, back in 1933:

Posted by: Juramike Dec 25 2010, 12:13 AM

Nice shot of Saturn storm taken by Cassini (props to VP):

Using the Solar System calculator to get the actual time of observation (caption indicated 1.323 M km away) sets it at 12/22/2010 23:40 UTC. This observation seemed like it would be nicely centered on Saturn's sunlight hemisphere and thus nicely visible from Earth.

Using a rotation rate of 10:47 h for Saturn, and propagating forward, here is an EXCEL table observation times where the storm should be centered on Saturn's visible disk on Earth. (Times are UTC and EST). Saturn rises around 3 AM and is better viewed closer to morning as it rises higher in the pre-dawn sky. I put "XXX" for view times where the storm is likely to be best. (Hopefully I got all the calculations right):

 Saturn_Storm_spotting_from_Earth__Dec_22_2010___Jan_4_2011_.xls ( 23.5K ) : 724

Posted by: Ian R Dec 25 2010, 02:19 PM

Right, I'm off to eat my Christmas dinner... wink.gif

Posted by: centsworth_II Dec 25 2010, 06:30 PM

QUOTE (Ian R @ Dec 25 2010, 09:19 AM) *
Right, I'm off to eat my Christmas dinner... wink.gif

Thanks for the picture and... MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Posted by: nprev Dec 25 2010, 06:46 PM

1. Wow. Look at that churned atmosphere! Remarkable.

2. Dude, Santa is like totally ripping that peak! laugh.gif Merry Christmas, all.

Posted by: antipode Dec 25 2010, 10:28 PM

Wow. It looks a *little* bit like Karman vortex street. I wonder what its 'downwind' of smile.gif


Posted by: volcanopele Dec 27 2010, 04:14 PM

Images from December 24 are hitting the ground and the pages for them are on the JPL raw images page:


Even more dramatic in the BL1 filter:

Posted by: Stu Dec 27 2010, 04:40 PM


Not really my planet, but I've had a go, just messing about really..

Posted by: ugordan Dec 27 2010, 05:41 PM

My quick version using CB2/GRN/BL1:

EDIT: Ugh, that'll teach me to do color composites on a laptop screen... Image replaced with an improved version. I didn't want to use CB2 as full resolution luminance as the storm contrast is quite different from the visible channels, especially in the tail. Too bad it wasn't the GRN that was full res.

Posted by: nprev Dec 27 2010, 07:14 PM


I wonder if that thing is lighting up Saturn's magnetosphere as well...looks like it'd be a major lightning generator.

Posted by: ZLD Dec 27 2010, 07:20 PM

Here's my take on the storm. Looks pretty massive. Used MT2, GRN, BL1 filters for color and the CB2 filter for luminance to maintain definition.

Edit: Whoops, I posted the wrong file. Fixed it with the version that doesn't look so crummy in the darks. I'll work on a better version in a bit.

Posted by: EDG Dec 27 2010, 08:04 PM

It's interesting to see how "untidy" it is compared to say the GRS on Jupiter. Very nice pictures though.

Posted by: Shaka Dec 28 2010, 12:13 AM

Yeah, that was one 'badass' big pigeon!

Next year I'll buy it a present.

Posted by: Bjorn Jonsson Dec 28 2010, 01:09 AM

It's interesting to check earlier Cassini images to see if there are any images showing how this new feature formed. I imagine it might have started as a small, bright spot.

Unfortunately there do not seem to be many images of Saturns this month but I found these images from December 5:

A small, bright spot appears in both of the images so it is real. It's located at approximately the 'correct' latitude but I don't know if this is the same feature - this could be determined if I knew the subspacecraft longitude.

I'm aware it's very difficult to change observations that were planned months in advance but this is a *really* interesting event. Hopefully there are enough Saturn observations planned for the next rev. I remember some quick changes to Galileo's observations in response to unexpected events, e.g. the loss of the E16 Europa imaging (some of the originally planned E16 observations were incorparated into the E17 observations) but I imagine the Cassini obervation sequences must be far more complex than Galileo's.

Posted by: volcanopele Dec 28 2010, 01:33 AM

Yes, that's the same storm, right about the time the RPWS first detected lightning from it.

There are many more Saturn observations during the next orbit, but I have no idea yet on whether they will show the storm, if it is still around.

Posted by: ZLD Dec 28 2010, 05:33 AM

Heres a bit clearer version of the storm. False color with stacked images and some noise suppression. Filters, MT2, GRN, BL1, CB2(lum) again.

Posted by: antipode Dec 28 2010, 07:15 AM

Wow blink.gif

So are we seeing high cold[er] cloud tops punching though the normal aerosol/haze layer here?


Posted by: nprev Dec 28 2010, 07:24 AM

So it would seem.

Question to anyone knowledgeable: Is the storm drifting within the larger atmosphere like the GRS, or is it fixed in longitude? Reason I ask is that it looks very much like a plume of sorts in this image, with the prevailing winds peeling off material from the top of the emission.

Would be interesting indeed if this is a manifestation of some sort of surface disturbance (whatever the word "surface" might mean on Saturn, if anything...)

Posted by: Hungry4info Dec 28 2010, 12:13 PM

Anyone noticed the moon shadow? Not nearly as impressive as the storm but still moderately noteworthy.


Posted by: volcanopele Dec 28 2010, 08:15 PM

Yep, that's Dione's shadow.

Posted by: volcanopele Dec 28 2010, 08:16 PM

QUOTE (nprev @ Dec 28 2010, 12:24 AM) *
Question to anyone knowledgeable: Is the storm drifting within the larger atmosphere like the GRS, or is it fixed in longitude? Reason I ask is that it looks very much like a plume of sorts in this image, with the prevailing winds peeling off material from the top of the emission.

From what I've read, it is drifting about 2-2.5 degrees to the west (the head of the storm I mean) each day. So the System III longitude increases by that amount each day.

Posted by: Juramike Dec 29 2010, 04:18 PM

Ground based image (Celestron C14 I assume):

Posted by: nprev Dec 29 2010, 07:57 PM

Thanks, VP, and wow, Mike! blink.gif The sheer scale of that thing is just jaw-dropping in this view!

Posted by: antipode Dec 29 2010, 11:16 PM

Holy Moly! One of the images/events of the year - and right at the 11th hour too.

Ground based obs are going to produce some spectacular movies as they track the evolution of this baby...


Posted by: Juramike Dec 30 2010, 02:44 AM

Well hot diggity-dawg, that EXCEL file posted above worked!!! One of our local amateur astronomers used it to image Saturn and snagged two timepoints:

Posted by: Mr. Milton Banana Dec 30 2010, 03:44 AM

Hi folks! This is my first post to this board. I happen to be fascinated with violent weather on other planets-in particular, thunderstorms. I'm wondering if this is what this particular storm is-one massive thunderhead or a series of them bunched in some sort of titanic squall line. I note that similar massive thunderheads had appeared on Jupiter, supposedly towering 100 miles above the surrounding clouds. Those storms were also very rare. I hope that Cassini can do radio readings to check for lightning bolts. If there are lightning bolts in this storm, it wouldn't surprise me if some of them were strong enough to incinerate a city! Flying alongside this beast would be a truly terrifying and awe-inspiring experience.

Another thought would be to photograph this storm when it's on Saturn's night side to check for lightning flashes.

It's too bad we can't do some sort of 3-D representation of this storm, so we could check out is vertical structure.

Posted by: jekbradbury Dec 30 2010, 04:28 AM

A quick animation from the Flickr photos Juramike linked to (greyscale in order that the GIF not be banded or dithered):

Posted by: Juramike Dec 31 2010, 04:49 AM

Here is my new and improved EXCEL spreadsheet for predicting Saturn storm visibility from Earth. It is based on ground-based observations and starts from Dec 10 and projects forward to Jan 24, 2011. (It correlates to images already acquired between Dec 10 and Dec. 27th.)

Assuming a "System II" cloud rotation rate of 10 h 39 min, the storm is tracking westwards 3 min every Saturn rotation. Effectively the storm is rotating around Saturn every 10 h 42 min as viewed from Earth.

The best views will be about 30 minutes or so before the storm is at dead center on Saturn's disk.


 Saturn_Storm_spotting_from_Earth__Dec_10_2010___Jan_24_2011__UPDATE_20101230.xls ( 43K ) : 555

Posted by: Juramike Dec 31 2010, 05:08 AM

Saturn in MethanoVision, using RGB[CB2, MT2, CB2xInvert(BL1)] from the December 24th observation:

Neat dark ring around the storm (downwelling, so more methane absorbance?) and some detail of a bright upwelling in the storm center itself.

Posted by: Mongo Dec 31 2010, 05:24 AM


Coincidence? tongue.gif

Posted by: Juramike Dec 31 2010, 05:35 PM

Here is an animated sequence showing storm evolution from ground-based observations from December 14th to December 30, 2010:

See also:
Link to Trevor Barry's website here:
Link to Anthony Wesley's website here:

Posted by: Floyd Jan 1 2011, 03:06 PM

From should get some more images of the storm between now and Jan 20.

" ISS begins its observations for Rev143 and the new year on January 2 as it performs astrometric observations of Saturn's small, inner moons. During this observation, the camera system will image Polydeuces, Telesto, Pallene, Prometheus, Anthe, and Atlas. Shortly before, the wide-angle camera (WAC) will image Saturn. The large, bright storm that formed in December 2010 in the North Temperate Zone of Saturn should be visible during this observation (though slightly farther to the west than shown in the graphic at right as the storm is slowly drifting to the west by 2.5 degrees per day with respect to the IAU longitude system for Saturn). ISS will take a similar observation on January 6, when the narrow-angle camera (NAC) will observe Prometheus, Anthe, Atlas, Methone, Calypso, Pallene, and Polydeuces. The Saturn WAC images should show the western end of the large northern storm."

There will be other images of Saturn on the 10th and 15th, but the storm will not be imaged unless it has expanded significantly.

Posted by: Juramike Jan 5 2011, 03:43 AM

Blink animation of Dec 24 and Jan 2 in MethanoVision. The new spot to the E looks "fresher" (more white = less methane absorbance = higher cloudtops). This suggests a hot spot plume from a deeper atmospheric layer and the older storm lobes being carried westward?

[Animated GIF: click to animate]

The MethanoVision Jan 2 image can be seen here:

Posted by: FatSplenda Jan 5 2011, 05:27 AM

QUOTE (john_s @ Dec 16 2010, 03:56 PM) *
It would certainly be simpler, but nothing in spacecraft operations is simple. There would still be numerous issues to be resolved- what pre-planned observations would be displaced, where would the data be put and when would they be downloaded, thermal implications of the new scan platform orientation would have to be checked, and new command sequences would have to be developed and tested. The Mars Rovers are always responding to new information on ~24 hour timescales, but they and their operations are designed from the ground up to be able to do that. Orbital missions are never that flexible.


Ah! Finally, someone gets it.
I am part of the tactical uplink operations and engineering team for the Rovers, and I'm glad to see that it's understood how different these things can be!
Based on the little I know about Cassini (I've never been acquainted with its sequencing process either, other than its pointing design and control suite for attitude constraints), I would guess that having a scan platform has just as many pros as cons. The pros would obviously include increased science -- you no longer have to move the whole spacecraft -- and maybe reduced usage of the reaction wheels. Would be tough to say without a high-fidelity analysis there. The cons would be adding more analyses and sequence flight rule checks for the operations team, and wear and tear for the engineering team.
No such thing as a free lunch.
In any case... pretty pics!

Posted by: Floyd Jan 5 2011, 10:57 AM

[first edit] Can someone explain how to get the image reduced? I thought that happened automatically. I simply inserted address of this image with the insert image button.

[second edit] Image now correctly posted. Thanks ugordan, uploading as attachment works (The attachment function is somewhat counter intuitive as after you UPLOAD, you still have to go into the Manage drop down box and hit +). Thanks also centsworth_II, however, that thread was locked so I couldn't open/edit my old post to see what I had done. I post pictures so infrequently that I forget what I did previously by the time I post again--or maybe I post regularly, but my memory is so poor that I don't remember that either. unsure.gif

Posted by: ugordan Jan 5 2011, 11:29 AM

You can't. If it's an inline image like that, it will be automatically reduced if it exceeds a certain size. It's best to either just post a link to it or upload the image as an attachment - saves bandwidth when viewing the thread and automatically produces a thumbnail image.

Posted by: centsworth_II Jan 5 2011, 01:50 PM

QUOTE (Floyd @ Jan 5 2011, 05:57 AM) *
Can someone explain how to get the image reduced?
It looks like you did it I guess that's the only way to post a small image that can then be enlarged by the viewer.

Posted by: Juramike Jan 8 2011, 03:42 AM

Blink animation of Cassini views of the big storm on Saturn Dec 24 - Jan 2 - Jan 6:

[animated GIF: click to animate]

Posted by: nprev Jan 8 2011, 06:52 AM

Beautiful, Mike; thanks!

Morphologically, this storm seems very similar in many ways to the 'curdled' features often seen trailing behind the GRS, although considerably larger. I find that striking; is it possibly significant?

Posted by: Hungry4info Jan 13 2011, 01:03 AM

Additional images from Rev 143.

Have we seen those ripples extending up toward the equator before?

Posted by: Juramike Jan 13 2011, 01:31 AM

There's some beautiful belt detail in the last batch of raws. It is starting to look more like Jupiter.
Gotta figure a creative way to use the MT3, MT2, and CB2 combo set.

Posted by: Juramike Jan 13 2011, 04:59 AM

Straightforward combo of HiPassMT2 RGB[MT3,MT2,CB2]. Some channel mixing between the methane transmission layers and a gentle contrast enhancement:
Blue is deep atmosphere (much methane absorbtion), white is upper levels (light reflected before methane can get absorbed) .

Amazing detail in this! The bright upwelling at the upper left of the image seems to have a dark spot in MT2 and MT3 images (eyewall??). Immediately to the SW of the upwelling is a deep blue vortex of descending air. Cloud patterns around this spot show a counterclockwise pattern.

And a shockwave can be seen trailing from the W edge of the storm down through the southern belt almost to northern edge of the the Equatorial belt.

Posted by: jasedm Jan 13 2011, 11:23 AM

That's really nice Mike - quite some detail there, and yes, you can clearly see the shockwave propagating back from the storm's leading edge.


Posted by: Juramike Jan 14 2011, 03:20 AM

Another shot of the storm on Saturn. Better view around the main "spot":

Taken from 1,000,000 km on January 12, 2011.

Posted by: Juramike Jan 14 2011, 05:18 AM

Couldn't resist some interpretation/speculation:

Posted by: Sunspot Jan 14 2011, 01:22 PM

Will they or have they changed any future observing sequences to get a better look at the storm?

Posted by: Ian R Jan 17 2011, 05:14 PM

Latest colour view and video:

Posted by: Juramike Jan 17 2011, 11:20 PM

Nice video!!

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 17 2011, 11:39 PM

Grrr... now I have to make my own version of that ohmy.gif

Posted by: Juramike Jan 19 2011, 03:33 AM

The site for the Planetary Virtual Observatory and Laboratory has upgraded to a new server.

The new site is:

Posted by: Juramike Jan 21 2011, 02:35 AM

Updated spreadsheet for viewing Saturn's storm from Earth. The time is when the W edge of the storm cloud is at the center point on Saturn's disk as seen from Earth.

Spreadsheet good to Feb 28,2011. (Validated using observations from Dec. 14, 2010 to Jan 16, 2011).

 Saturn_Storm_spotting_from_Earth__Dec_10_2010___Feb_28_2011__UPDATE_20110120.xls ( 62.5K ) : 326

Posted by: Juramike Jan 25 2011, 01:30 AM

I posted a detailed graphic comparing features of Jupiter's Great Red Spot to those of Saturns North Temperate Storm 2010:

Posted by: Juramike Jan 28 2011, 02:51 AM

Animation of Earth-based telescope images of Saturn's storm from December 14, 2010 to January 24, 2011:

Posted by: ZLD Jan 28 2011, 03:33 AM

It looks as if Saturn may gain a temporary white band around the planet if the storm continues to expand. Should be very interesting to see the next images of this storm up close from Cassini.

Posted by: J.J. Jan 28 2011, 05:16 PM

That seems to be the pattern: white spots blowing up, and fairly quickly spreading out into a latitudinal zone until it eventually loses its identity.

Posted by: Mr. Milton Banana Jan 30 2011, 08:15 AM

So, exactly what kind of storm is this? Is this a massive thunderstorm complex? It would be interesting to really get down to what this is, specifically. If the original spot is a massive collection of thunderclouds, does this mean that they spread out to create a band around the planet?

Posted by: Juramike Jan 30 2011, 06:03 PM

I think there is a massive anticyclonic upwelling from a lower layer, and the white stuff is just the upper level turbulence and shear between belts and zones are making high clouds that are extending and encircling the planet.

Unless the upwelling is able to self-sustain, it'll eventually run out of steam (probably literally!) and the upper clouds will dissipate.

I may be wrong, but I think of this as a hurricane sucking in energy at a lower warmer level (where there is a cyclonic flow we can't observe), then moving it up the central column, where it pushes outwards at the lower cooler level. The whole thing driven by the upper and lower level temperature differential and the transfer of energy via condensation of ....water? ammonia?.

That's my guess...

Posted by: Mr. Milton Banana Jan 30 2011, 09:22 PM

I emailed Carolyn Porco to find out if they were going to investigate lightning flashes within that storm, and I was told they would attempt it. I wonder if it would be possible to check for lightning flashes from the night side of Saturn. Because...if this is an upwelling of thunderstorms, I'd imagine there would be some intense lightning there.

Posted by: stevesliva Jan 30 2011, 09:56 PM

They "hear" lighting with the radio science instrument, if I recall correctly. As stated earlier, seeing it's a lot tougher with a still camera that they generally point at the daylight side of the planet.

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 30 2011, 10:10 PM

The RPWS can "listen" for electrical discharges from lightning in the storm, but actually looking for lightning on Saturn on the planet's nightside requires dedicated observations that are planned 6-12 months in advance. Another issue to keep in mind is that the northern hemisphere is currently being illuminated by Saturn's rings, which can complicate lightning detection.

Posted by: Gsnorgathon Jan 31 2011, 05:54 AM

And even the southern hemisphere is somewhat illuminated by forward-scattered light from the rings. (Though maybe it's no worse than night time on Earth illuminated by a full moon - I've never researched it.)

Posted by: ngunn Feb 6 2011, 10:32 PM

It appears the storm now has a ghostly neighbour:

Posted by: Ian R Feb 6 2011, 10:48 PM

Here's a faux-colour version (CB-GRN-BLU), rotated so that north is at the 11 o'clock position:

Posted by: Juramike Feb 7 2011, 02:22 AM

Animated blink between Jan 15th and February 4 images in false color [MT3,MT2,CB2]:

I think the "ghost" is a vortex riding the wake of the western edge of the storm front.

Posted by: volcanopele Feb 7 2011, 02:29 AM

QUOTE (ngunn @ Feb 6 2011, 03:32 PM) *
It appears the storm now has a ghostly neighbour:

No, that's the same storm. It has just now met its tail.

Posted by: Juramike Feb 7 2011, 02:37 AM

Whoo-woo! All aboard the storm train! Here's a non-time sequenced animation of the storm, ordered by faked Saturn rotation:

[Animated GIF - click to animate]

Sequence of images is 1/12, 2/4, 1/15, 1/15.

Posted by: nprev Feb 7 2011, 05:02 AM

Wow. Damn. blink.gif

Times like this I remember how back in the day the meme was that the outer Solar System was presumed to be nearly static for lack of solar, talk about a swing & a miss in SO many, many ways that we know about already, and probably a lot more that we don't know yet! tongue.gif

Posted by: Sunspot Feb 7 2011, 08:34 AM

Are they going to get any high resolution images of it?

Posted by: Juramike Feb 25 2011, 12:52 PM

Wow!!! blink.gif blink.gif

Lots of high resolution IR images down on the Cassini raws page.

Posted by: Astro0 Feb 25 2011, 01:59 PM

Quick stitch of 21 images. There's a whole lot more images in this sequence if some brave soul wants to make it wink.gif

Posted by: Stu Feb 25 2011, 02:14 PM

Wow... we've had MER Monopoly...

I think we just saw the first CASSINI Jigsaw... laugh.gif

Note to all: I had the idea first, and I'm in the middle of watching THE SOCIAL NETWORK, so no-one get any ideas about suing me in years to come, ok? tongue.gif

Posted by: Juramike Feb 26 2011, 04:21 AM

Comparison graphic showing similarities/differences between the Jan 12 and Feb 23 Saturn storm observation:

Full resolution WAC MethanoVision RGB [Mt3, MT2, CB2] of the Feb 23 observation is here:

Posted by: Ian R Feb 26 2011, 09:07 AM

Just got back from London: drooled over Charlie Brown (not literally), gawped at Ralph's penetrometer -- and even touched a chunk of the Titanic's hull!

Oh, and here's a quick RGB composite from this latest, bountiful, batch of raws:

Posted by: djellison Feb 26 2011, 09:14 AM

QUOTE (Ian R @ Feb 26 2011, 01:07 AM) *
gawped at Ralph's penetrometer

And that's the flight model. The flight-spare is sat on Titan smile.gif

Posted by: Ian R Feb 26 2011, 09:31 AM

Or embedded in Titan, I suppose! biggrin.gif

...and here's RGB storm composite number two:

Posted by: Juramike Feb 27 2011, 02:48 PM

Saturn RGB[RED,GRN, BL1] composite Feb 25, 2011. Details enhanced with a HiPass filtered overlay of the CB2 IRP90 image:

Posted by: Juramike Feb 27 2011, 06:26 PM

Composite of images in the CB2 IR band taken from Feb 23-25, 2011 coordinated and stacked to show the full length and features of the massive storm:

Posted by: Sunspot Feb 27 2011, 07:29 PM

In terms of scale how does this storm compare to those that have previously appeared?

Posted by: Ian R Feb 28 2011, 07:26 PM

Nice work Mike! smile.gif

Here's a false-colour NAC view of the head of the storm (MT2/CB2/BL1):

Posted by: Ian R Feb 28 2011, 07:42 PM

Another WAC, RGB view, with one of the moons (Enceladus?) just lurking below the left ansae:

Posted by: Sunspot Feb 28 2011, 11:02 PM

Are the clouds in the storm moving fast enough to cause some motion blur in the images?

If you take a look at that image, the cloud features on the left have sharp boundaries, the clouds in the storm look very soft - like motion blur?

Posted by: Ian R Feb 28 2011, 11:16 PM

Prequel to my last post:

Posted by: john_s Mar 1 2011, 12:32 AM

QUOTE (Sunspot @ Mar 1 2011, 12:02 AM) *
Are the clouds in the storm moving fast enough to cause some motion blur in the images?

It sure *looks* like motion blur, but I don't think the numbers work out. The resolution of that image is about 20 km/pixel, and typical Cassini ISS exposure times for sunlit objects are maybe 1/100th to 1/10th of a second. So to get a couple of pixels of blur would require cloud speeds of 400 - 4000 kilometers/second- the clouds would exceed escape velocity.


Posted by: volcanopele Mar 1 2011, 02:04 AM

CB2 frames are 3.2 seconds exposures. MT frames are longer IIRC.

Posted by: Juramike Mar 1 2011, 02:48 AM

Random question: But why are the MT3 images usually smaller?

Posted by: volcanopele Mar 1 2011, 04:18 AM

To improve signal to noise. Not a lot of reflected light at that wavelength.

Posted by: Juramike Mar 1 2011, 05:48 AM

RGB[MT3,MT2,CB2] composite of 18 contrast-adjusted images from the NAC view of the storm complex.

Full resolution (and there is lots of neat swirly detail) here:

Posted by: jasedm Mar 1 2011, 08:19 AM

^ Oh that's a work of art!


Posted by: john_s Mar 1 2011, 06:27 PM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Mar 1 2011, 02:04 AM) *
CB2 frames are 3.2 seconds exposures. MT frames are longer IIRC.

Mea culpa! Still, for 4 second exposures you'd need 10 km/sec (22,000 mph) winds to blur by a couple of pixels, so I think we still have to conclude that the storm clouds are intrinsically "blurry"- overlying high cirrus, maybe?


Posted by: machi Mar 1 2011, 09:57 PM

QUOTE (Juramike @ Mar 1 2011, 06:48 AM) *
RGB[MT3,MT2,CB2] composite of 18 contrast-adjusted images from the NAC view of the storm complex.

"Oh that's a work of art!"

Impressionism? smile.gif
Simply fantastic, I want this "painting" on the wall!

Posted by: Shaka Mar 2 2011, 09:25 PM

Ditto! blink.gif
I'd love to sneak it onto the wall, unlabeled, at MOMA, and overhear it being discussed by the art crowd.

Posted by: Astro0 Mar 5 2011, 06:57 AM

Just for fun smile.gif

Posted by: Stu Mar 5 2011, 07:21 AM

Gorgeous! I started making that myself but halfway along the strip I was getting one of those headaches you get after eating ice cream too quickly... laugh.gif

Posted by: toddbronco2 Mar 7 2011, 04:38 PM

QUOTE (Astro0 @ Mar 4 2011, 10:57 PM) *
Just for fun smile.gif

Thanks Astro0! I was hoping somebody would put together a panoramic view of the storm from Cassini's recent images

Posted by: Astro0 Mar 9 2011, 11:56 AM

Another rough mosaic that this time takes us right around the planet - the storm from end to end.

If anyone out there knows how to make a QTVR that's wrapped on the outside of a sphere, then this would be a neat ride around Saturn.

Posted by: Astro0 Mar 10 2011, 11:55 AM

Thought I'd try something a little creative by combining the storm pan with one of Bjorn's Saturn textures and then (in Stu-terms) "muck about with it and not claiming 1000% accuracy" wink.gif to make a satisfying image using Celestia.

Posted by: ElkGroveDan Mar 10 2011, 08:23 PM

Way to go Astro0! I love it when our members combine a little creativity and ingenuity to take images to another entire level.

Posted by: nprev Mar 11 2011, 02:29 AM

Beautiful!!! (The one on the right makes just a jim-dandy crackerjack desktop, too!!!!) wink.gif

Posted by: Ian R Mar 15 2011, 03:39 PM

I've just added some rough, RGB wide-angle views of Saturn and the storm to my Flickr account:

Posted by: Ron Hobbs Mar 16 2011, 04:48 AM

QUOTE (Astro0 @ Mar 10 2011, 04:55 AM) *
... then (in Stu-terms) "muck about with it and not claiming 1000% accuracy"

You guys 'muck about' so well. Please keep it up.

Posted by: Ian R Mar 23 2011, 12:09 PM

This is the latest WAC view of the storm, rendered in CB-GRN-RED colour:

Posted by: tedstryk Mar 25 2011, 11:30 AM

I took a crack at the storm on my blog.

Posted by: Stu Mar 25 2011, 11:58 AM

Very subtle, Ted, I like that a lot.

Posted by: ElkGroveDan Mar 25 2011, 02:21 PM

Awesome. I get the sense that it is disrupting the belts to the North.

Posted by: Juramike Mar 25 2011, 05:08 PM

I think it is disrupting belts to the South. In Ted's processed image, I think the storm is located to the W of the little "bright V-shaped" indentation and the storm oval itself is not really obvious in visible wavelengths (but evident and bright in Cassini methane transmission images). The storm is slightly oval and oriented SW-NE (the bright V-shaped region is at the E edge). Immediately under this region, the clouds at the southern edge are getting churned up.

Since this image was taken, some of the bright clouds (both north and south of the storm oval zone) have kicked up and become more impressive. Check out some of the images from the 18th and 22nd of March in the IPOW database:

Posted by: Juramike Mar 28 2011, 12:10 AM

Saturn MethanoVision RGB[MT3,MT2,CB2] composite for March 21, 2011:

The storm oval can be clearly seen in this composite as a brighter gray upwellling with the bright white "pickelfork" cloud structure stretching to the E. Compare with Ian's image above.

Posted by: Juramike Mar 28 2011, 12:13 AM

Here is a downsampled comparison graphic of Cassini MethanoVision composite MT3,MT2,CB2] and IR-visible[CB2,GRN,BL1] raw image composites, and corresponding ground-based images of the north temperate storm over a three month period (January - February, and March).

(Much bigger) Full resolution is here:

Posted by: S_Walker Mar 29 2011, 11:13 AM

Very nice presentation Mike.

Posted by: S_Walker Mar 29 2011, 11:16 AM

Excellent Ted-
I downloaded and animated the best frames of the Hubble data too:

Be sure to watch it in HD.

Posted by: john_s Mar 29 2011, 03:24 PM

Very nice! Good view of the ring spokes too- I'm not aware of the spokes having been seen from the Earth before, though maybe they have, and I've missed it.


Posted by: machi Mar 29 2011, 05:49 PM

Nice comparison Mike and my deep admiration of images from amateur astronomers!
And thanks to Ian, Ted and others for very good temporal coverage of evolution of the storm!

Posted by: Sunspot Apr 24 2011, 08:51 PM

Has the storm flared up a bit??

Posted by: Ian R Apr 27 2011, 04:06 AM

Posted by: Juramike May 1 2011, 03:39 AM

MethanoVision [MT3,MT2,CB2] of the big storm on Saturn on April 25, 2011. High Pass CB2 layer added to enhance detail. A small section of ring containing the moon (Rhea) was shifted to match the CB2 base image.

Compare with the RGB composite The storm center is evident in MT3 and MT2 images, but not the visible or CB2 images.

Posted by: Juramike May 4 2011, 02:11 AM

Another comparison image of Cassini IR and Enhanced Visible compared to an Earth-based image taken at about the same time by Christopher Go:

(All images taken at approximately the same time, so the placement of the storm is at center left in the full disk Earth-based view.)

Posted by: Juramike May 10 2011, 04:15 AM

May 5 image of big Saturn storm taken by Cassini. This was kinda ugly to process. I ended up doing many overlays/multiplications of the higher-res CB2 layer to enhance detail and cloud structure.

Cruising throught the PVOL database, in the Earth based images of the storm it is become more and more difficult to see the central upwelling - the turbulent cloud deck has wrapped around Saturn to make almost a double-white band.. In the Cassini visible it is also really difficult to discern in visible wavelengths. The center of the storm is still best lit up "bright" (high cloud deck) by MT3 and MT2 filtered images. In visible, it is only barely darker than it's surroundings.

Posted by: Juramike May 19 2011, 08:18 PM

Press release on Saturn storm. It has been observed by VIMS and CIRS as well and is doing an impressive job of punching up through the atmospheric layers and dredging up all sorts of stuff as it rearranges Saturn's normally calm belts and zones.

Posted by: Juramike May 22 2011, 11:43 AM

Planetary Photojournal showing false-color VIMS image of Big Storm on Saturn and a neat explanation of what it found:

Spoiler alert: Big honkin particles and ammonia pulled up by the storm, and high small particles and ammonia in neat structures just south of the storm!

Posted by: Juramike Jun 18 2011, 03:38 AM

Roughly correlated views of the storm on Saturn from Cassini and ground-based observation on June 13-14, 2011.
Interesting how the uplifted ares in Saturn (bright swirls in Methanovision) are dark in the ground-based RGB image.
Use the bright cloud edge and the "pinched" area to the E to help correlate the views.

Much more details on .

Posted by: Juramike Jul 12 2011, 04:26 AM

7-frame CB2 images of Saturn rotation on July 9, 2011 ( lined up and mosaiced (issues with terminator) to make a strip of the Saturn storm clouds:

Click for full res to check out the cool-o swirly patterns.

Posted by: Juramike Jul 17 2011, 03:53 PM

Uh-oh. I think the storm is starting to snuff out. Most recent July 13, 2011 Methanovision composite [MT3,MT2,CB2] shows a much, much smaller upper level swirl. Maybe without a major updraft source the turbulence will work itself out over the next few months?

(The little guy is up in the upper right corner with a slight greenish tint.]

Posted by: Juramike Nov 18 2011, 03:02 AM

Planetary Photojournal release of series of natural color images of the the storm as
(for some images they use the CB2 image in place of red to approximate natural color)

Posted by: TheAnt Sep 4 2013, 07:29 AM

Massive storm pulls water and ammonia ices from Saturn’s depths.


Posted by: Juramike Sep 4 2013, 02:50 PM

....and accompanied by a Planetary Photojournal image release:

Posted by: JRehling Sep 4 2013, 06:11 PM

Very cool science. For those who don't know, Saturn's weather approximates that of Jupiter except its scale height is much larger because the local acceleration to gravity is about 40% of Jupiter's. Therefore, layers in Saturn's clouds are vertically extended and it's harder to see the diversity of layers.

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