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Unmanned _ Juno _ Juno Extended Mission

Posted by: volcanopele Sep 2 2020, 08:05 PM

At today's Outer Planet Assessment Group (OPAG) meeting, Scott Bolton gave a presentation on Juno, providing an update on the mission and providing more information on its extended mission proposal. The proposal has been sent to NASA and they expect a final decision later this year.

The proposed extended mission starts where the current one ends at perijove 34 in June 2021 and continues through orbit 76 in September 2025. The continued northward progression of the perijove latitude, and continued lower altitude of the ascending node, is going to enable a lot of great science both at Jupiter (higher resolution views of Jupiter's poles) and of its satellites. Most excitingly for me, Juno will perform several flybys of the Galilean satellites. This includes a 1000-km encounter with Ganymede next June during PJ34, a 320-km encounter with Europa in late 2022, and TWO Io flybys in early 2024 at an altitude of 1500 km. There are also a number of "Voyager-class" encounters with Ganymede, Europa, and Io between mid-2021 and mid-2025.

The PDF for Scott Bolton's presentation can be found on the page for the OPAG meeting:

Posted by: JRehling Sep 2 2020, 09:18 PM

That is exciting.

I know that the eye candy is fun for all of us, and this forum is a particularly good medium (and talent base) for image processing but I am getting increasingly interested in the less-flashy and slower-to-evolve science on the interior of Jupiter and the synergistic study of the interior of Saturn that capitalized heavily on the last phase of the Cassini mission.

The status, on a meta-level is that Juno has placed some important constraints on the interior structure of Jupiter but there's still a lot of uncertainty regarding the details and no consensus regarding Jupiter's origin. I don't know with what certainty more perijoves will answer those questions, but the questions are important and more perijoves sure can't hurt.

It's also very interesting that Jupiter and Saturn are significantly different internally.

All of that said, I'm also looking forward to the Galilean eye candy. There could be some important science there, in advance of Europa Clipper getting to the vicinity.

Posted by: volcanopele Sep 2 2020, 09:37 PM

And it won't just be eye candy with the Galileans. For example, the Europa encounter will allow for mapping of one hemisphere with the MWR at 100-200 km resolution. That instrument can probe to a depth of 10 km allow for the direct detection of lakes within the Europan ice sheet. The Io encounters will include JunoCAM imaging sure, but also JIRAM mapping of Io's hotspots with resolutions down to 355 m/pixel as well as gravity science and magnetometer measurements, which when combined with future IVO passes, will provide some strong constraints on the state of Io's lower lithosphere and upper asthenosphere.

For Jupiter, with closer passes over the poles, they will be able to do better 3D mapping of the atmosphere below the north polar cyclones as they will be able to do repeated passes over the same part of Jupiter.

Posted by: rlorenz Sep 3 2020, 02:19 AM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Sep 2 2020, 05:37 PM) *
And it won't just be eye candy with the Galileans. For example, the Europa encounter will allow for mapping of one hemisphere with the MWR at 100-200 km resolution. That instrument can probe to a depth of 10 km allow for the direct detection of lakes within the Europan ice sheet.

I would like to see the assumptions that went into that, it seems very doubtful to me. Scattering by fractures, and absorption by contaminants (salts, sulfuric acid..) in Europan ice is such that even the sort of 10 MHz ice penetrating radar on Clipper has a good chance of not penetrating that deep, and the ~1 GHz MWR wavelength being 100 times shorter will sound commensurately less deep.

Posted by: JRehling Sep 3 2020, 05:52 AM

I'm curious if the Europa imagery could be sufficient to determine the rate of rotation of the shell/surface, which is not synchronous with the core. It's known that the rotation rate of the shell relative to the core is very slow, and the baseline between Voyager 2 and Galileo was not sufficient to measure visibly any rotation. The time from Galileo to Juno imaging would be, once again, about 20 years, but the resolution of Juno imaging would be higher than that of Voyager 2. Getting any measurement of that rotation, even to first order, could tell us a lot about the dynamics of the shell, in which the major linea represent cracking along stress lines that must have taken place when the shell was oriented very differently with respect to Jupiter. But since then, has it undergone ~0.25, ~1.25, ~2.25, etc. full rotations?

Posted by: vjkane Sep 3 2020, 02:50 PM

Ralph, thanks for the dash of reality. Hope that the microwave instrument provides some new insights. (BTW, Ralph, your new Titan book is excellent. Been enjoying it.)

One thing not mentioned so far in this thread is that Juno will conduct a "sensitive" search for Europan plumes. Will use the camera and the much more sensitive star sensors.

Posted by: rlorenz Sep 4 2020, 03:37 AM

QUOTE (vjkane @ Sep 3 2020, 09:50 AM) *
Ralph, thanks for the dash of reality. Hope that the microwave instrument provides some new insights.

I'm certain it will. Any time you use a new instrument on a target, you make discoveries. And the MWR is an exquisite instrument.

But one must always (both post-hoc for 'discoveries', and pre-hoc for 'opportunities') consider the motivations behind any claim. Fame, tenure etc. can be the prize of high-profile publications, so there is often a 'race to the bottom' for the lowest standard of evidence that will satisfy peer review for 'discovery' of something exciting - claims of discovery of cryovvolcanism on Titan are a case in point. And some of the higher-profile scientific journals are complicit in this process, they like the headlines. Similarly, claiming that a mission/instrument/observation may discover X is not a disprovable statement, and is a rational thing for someone advocating for said mission/instrument/observation to claim as a possibility. But that isnt the same thing as saying dispassionately that it is an expected result.

(BTW, Ralph, your new Titan book is excellent. Been enjoying it.)

Cheers! Tell your friends ! oh, I guess you just did ;-)

One thing not mentioned so far in this thread is that Juno will conduct a "sensitive" search for Europan plumes. Will use the camera and the much more sensitive star sensors.

That is potentially a very interesting observation. (And not unrelated to my earlier point : the discovery of plumes on Enceladus is, reasonably, attributed to the Cassini magnetometer team. But in fact the Cassini imaging team saw evidence of the plumes before that, but wanted to be sure that what might have been a plume wasn't some scattered light artifact in the images, and so waited to get more data. Because they (laudably) imposed on themselves a high standard of proof, other evidence emerged first and they got perhaps less credit than they might have deserved).

So, the fact that the Juno Mag/SRU - in effect a low-light camera - is so sensitive is great, and it has had some nice results detecting lighting, but this alone does not necessarily make it a good plume detector. Careful characterization of the scattered light response of the camera will be essential for robust plume detection.

Again, there are temptations in plume detection to give oneself the benefit of the doubt in marginal situations, both for individual scientists, and for 'selling' a mission (the timing of the first reported HST plume discovery, at very low signal to noise, I might add, was let's say fortuitous with respect to the timing of Congressional support for what became Europa Clipper). So it is rational in the run-up to a senior review for a mission extension to note the instrumental sensitivity and the observation opportunity, but some careful scrutiny may be in order before one raises expectations too high. (the OPAG presentation did not permit the PI to present much detail - it may well be that a strong case for the MWR detection of Europa's ice thickness, and the SRU detection of possible plumes exists, I just note that I haven't seen it yet.)

All this is only natural, science is a human process. You only find the evidence if you think it is there in the first place. But as Robert Louis Stevenson said, 'The cruelest lies are told in silence'......

Posted by: vjkane Sep 4 2020, 01:32 PM

QUOTE (rlorenz @ Sep 2 2020, 06:19 PM) *
I would like to see the assumptions that went into that, it seems very doubtful to me. Scattering by fractures, and absorption by contaminants (salts, sulfuric acid..) in Europan ice is such that even the sort of 10 MHz ice penetrating radar on Clipper has a good chance of not penetrating that deep, and the ~1 GHz MWR wavelength being 100 times shorter will sound commensurately less deep.

It may be that the contribution of Juno's microwave observations may be to characterize how noisy observations of the the ice shell's structure will be. Bolton had less than a minute to describe the microwave observations, and as I recall, I believe that he said that the instrument had the capability to observe as deep as 10 km, not that it would observe that deep.

QUOTE (rlorenz @ Sep 3 2020, 07:37 PM) *
And the MWR is an exquisite instrument.

Off topic, I would like to see an MWR like instrument flown on an ice giant mission (and some proposed missions would include it), but its mass is a significant issue. I saw that Bolton has a grant to do technology development for a lighter weight and more capable version with an eye toward an ice giant orbiter.

QUOTE (rlorenz @ Sep 3 2020, 07:37 PM) *
Again, there are temptations in plume detection to give oneself the benefit of the doubt in marginal situations, both for individual scientists, and for 'selling' a mission (the timing of the first reported HST plume discovery, at very low signal to noise, I might add, was let's say fortuitous with respect to the timing of Congressional support for what became Europa Clipper). So it is rational in the run-up to a senior review for a mission extension to note the instrumental sensitivity and the observation opportunity, but some careful scrutiny may be in order before one raises expectations too high. (the OPAG presentation did not permit the PI to present much detail - it may well be that a strong case for the MWR detection of Europa's ice thickness, and the SRU detection of possible plumes exists, I just note that I haven't seen it yet.)

All this is only natural, science is a human process. You only find the evidence if you think it is there in the first place. But as Robert Louis Stevenson said, 'The cruelest lies are told in silence'......

I agree. Ignore the press release, read the paper. (Even better, wait for the synthesis review of papers that weighs evidence from a number of studies.) I did look up the original Europa plume paper, and the authors, as I recall, did state that the observations were right at the edge of detector capability. Then NASA made the most of it, as they did for the claim that the Martian meteorite had fossilized micro organisms. Will say, that NASA is good a parlaying press releases into missions (or in the case of Mars, a whole program of missions).

Posted by: mcaplinger Sep 4 2020, 03:42 PM

QUOTE (rlorenz @ Sep 3 2020, 07:37 PM) *
the fact that the Juno Mag/SRU - in effect a low-light camera - is so sensitive is great...

The SRU is unrelated to the magnetometer. Maybe you're confusing it with the magnetometer's ASCs (Advanced Stellar Compasses)?

On this thread in general: The mission extension proposal will be quite detailed, and evaluated carefully. I think criticizing it on the basis of an OPAG overview presentation is a little inappropriate.

Posted by: volcanopele Sep 4 2020, 04:04 PM

I agree with Mike. Putting moderator hat on...

Some these questions would've been great to bring up during the Q&A part of the OPAG session on Wednesday, but without Scott Bolton here to better explain the factors that went into their claims or the hedging that might have gone into their actual senior review proposal (which for the vast majority of missions are much more detailed than a PDF presentation), it might be best to drop the discussion of MWR performance at Europa for now. And without details on how exactly they will be looking for plumes, again, we need to be careful about speculating then criticizing what we speculate.

Taking moderator hat off...

That being said, with the SRU being used for science as well as navigation, I do hope that the Juno team considers posting that data to the PDS.

Posted by: rlorenz Sep 5 2020, 02:53 AM

QUOTE (mcaplinger @ Sep 4 2020, 11:42 AM) *
The SRU is unrelated to the magnetometer. Maybe you're confusing it with the magnetometer's ASCs (Advanced Stellar Compasses)?

On this thread in general: The mission extension proposal will be quite detailed, and evaluated carefully. I think criticizing it on the basis of an OPAG overview presentation is a little inappropriate.

Sorry, I'm not a mission insider, yes I meant the magnetometer's star camera (which I guess happens in this instance to be called an ASC - a strange name : a magnetometer has a compass that isnt a magnetometer ;-)

And I didnt criticize anything or anyone. I merely said I'd like to see more analysis backing the claims that were made, and I made general observations about the scientific process.

Posted by: Decepticon Sep 7 2020, 02:43 AM

Will images be taken during Europa and Io Encounters?

Will they be comparable to Voyager 2 Best images?

Posted by: mcaplinger Sep 7 2020, 06:37 PM

QUOTE (rlorenz @ Sep 4 2020, 06:53 PM) *
yes I meant the magnetometer's star camera...

Once more for clarity: there are multiple star cameras on the spacecraft. The SRU (two for redundancy, one active) is an engineering subsystem and the ASCs (four total) are part of the magnetometer, used for getting high-resolution orientation data for the magnetometer to remove the effects of boom motion. They can all be used for imaging, but it's the SRU that has been most used for low-light imaging and radiation monitoring at Jupiter.

Posted by: JRehling Sep 8 2020, 06:44 PM

I don't have any information on planned instrument usage, but the closest satellite flybys would certainly allow imaging at much higher resolution than Voyager 2 at Europa. Note that the satellite flybys in the presentation span a huge range of distances and the farthest ones are similar to the opportunistic imagery already acquired during the main mission.

My sense from the distances is that the main scientific playoffs will be:

1) The spectral range of Juno instruments in making hemispheral maps of Ganymede and Europa hinting at composition. It will be the spectral capabilities here that add to the knowledge more than the spatial resolution.
2) A search for Europa's plumes.
3) Monitoring the current activity of Io volcanoes.
4) Perhaps contributing original detailed mapping of Europa on the one really close encounter.

Posted by: mcaplinger Sep 8 2020, 07:55 PM

QUOTE (JRehling @ Sep 8 2020, 10:44 AM) *
the closest satellite flybys would certainly allow imaging at much higher resolution than Voyager 2 at Europa.

Considering that the resolution of the Voyager ISS NAC was 72x higher than the resolution of Junocam at the same distance, I'm not sure I'd say "certainly". If the closest approach was 320 km and if illumination conditions and spacecraft orientation were compatible with imaging there, then the maximum resolution Junocam could get is about 0.2 km/pixel at nadir. JIRAM could do about 3x better.

The Bolton presentation says 1-2 km resolution.

I'm not sure what the best resolution image of Europa from Voyager was, but there is global coverage at about 0.5 km/pixel from a mixture of Voyager and Galileo although there are some gaps where the coverage is much worse or (near the south pole) even missing entirely.

Posted by: john_s Sep 8 2020, 08:43 PM

Digging up my copy of the Voyager 2 Jupiter encounter imaging report (Smith et al. 1979, Science ), I see that Voyager's best resolution on Europa (from Voyager 2) was 2 km/pixel. So Juno could easily do better.


Posted by: volcanopele Sep 8 2020, 08:44 PM

The best resolution images of Europa by Voyager 2 were at around 1.33 km/pixel so the resolution quoted by Scott Bolton would be in that ballpark.

Posted by: Phil Stooke Sep 8 2020, 09:21 PM

As Mike says there are large gaps in high resolution coverage of Europa, so the close imaging may indeed improve mapping in some areas. For Io even fairly low resolution imaging (though I still mean an order of magnitude better that existing Juno images) would show surface changes, and we know they are frequent and substantial. Certainly good science to come from that. It doesn't look like there are useful opportunities for small satellite imaging.


Posted by: mcaplinger Sep 8 2020, 10:32 PM

With regard to improving resolution, keep in mind that the satellite encounters can't be done for the convenience of imaging and the geometry is highly constrained by the spacecraft spin and spin attitude, so anything we get in that regard will be largely serendipitous.

And of course the extended mission is subject to approval and funding.

Posted by: Fox Sep 29 2020, 10:25 PM

Am I correct that Juno doesn't photograph Callisto? Is Callisto's orbit too far out of range?

Posted by: mcaplinger Sep 30 2020, 02:14 AM

QUOTE (Fox @ Sep 29 2020, 02:25 PM) *
Am I correct that Juno doesn't photograph Callisto?

Occasionally Juno gets to within 650,000 km or so of Callisto so it would appear about 10 pixels across, but that's it. I'm not sure if the geometry works out such that Callisto appears in the Junocam FOV.

Posted by: Decepticon Oct 19 2020, 05:47 AM

When will the extended mission be approved or not approved?

Knowing we have a chance to study Europa in the next three years has my nerves on overdrive.

Posted by: vjkane Oct 19 2020, 12:21 PM

QUOTE (Decepticon @ Oct 18 2020, 10:47 PM) *
When will the extended mission be approved or not approved?

The decision is expected in December. Perhaps more important than simple approved or not approved (it seems unlikely that NASA will shut the mission down on its first extended mission request), is the budget. A smaller budget than requested could mean less is done. NASA has a fixed pot of money to fund all of its extended planetary missions, and I'm sure that the managers for the other missions are also making compelling cases for their science.

Posted by: vjkane Jan 8 2021, 04:58 PM

The results of the 2020 Senior Review and NASA's response have been posted

Some highlights from NASA's response:

Juno Extended Mission
- Juno is approved for an extended mission from August 2021 until September 2025. NASA expects that the mission end-of-life will occur during this period.
- Juno will continue observations of the Jovian system as the spacecraft’s periapsis processes northward and to lower altitudes. Juno will utilize additional propulsive maneuvers to perform close flybys of Ganymede, Europa, and Io.
- Juno will continue to explore major scientific questions related to Jupiter’s interior, structure, and atmosphere, including the polar vortices, the magnetic ‘Great Blue Spot,’ water abundances, and the Jovian aurorae, focusing on observations enabled as the periapsis moves northward.
- The EM will add targeted observations of three of Jupiter’s large satellites. Imaging observations will search for changes since Voyager and Galileo, and observations with the spacecraft’s Microwave Radiometer will explore Europa’s ice shell. In situ measurements of Jupiter’s ring system will explore their structure and characterize their dust population.

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 8 2021, 06:27 PM

Obviously I am VERY EXCITED to see this approved so we will get some Io flybys in 3 years! Buried in this SR report is a note that NASA is asking the Juno team to archive SRU data from the nominal mission. Happy to see this for some of the eclipse observations of Io from PJ16 and PJ25.

Posted by: Antdoghalo Jan 8 2021, 07:32 PM

Yes!!! More eye candy!!! We return to the Galileans!!! (poor Callisto though)

Posted by: Fox Jan 8 2021, 09:53 PM

This is great. Will Juno be in position to capture more polar views of the moons, like it did with Ganymede awhile back?

Posted by: Antdoghalo Jan 9 2021, 12:14 AM

It did, but not the unmapped area.

Posted by: Decepticon Jan 9 2021, 01:10 AM

QUOTE (Fox @ Jan 8 2021, 03:53 PM) *
This is great. Will Juno be in position to capture more polar views of the moons, like it did with Ganymede awhile back?

I expect a much better resolution!

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 9 2021, 01:29 AM

"Imaging observations will search for changes since Voyager and Galileo..."

If the regions that had no previous coverage were going to be imaged, I think it would have said something different. However, we won't really be sure until the new maneuver design is finalized what each encounter will look like, and there are many constraints on s/c attitude that also factor in.

Posted by: Antdoghalo Jan 9 2021, 03:21 AM

Large Swaths of Ganymede may be improved depending on how close it is. Though don't expect anything like Solid State Imaging.

Posted by: Brian Swift Jan 9 2021, 08:06 AM

Mike, do you know yet if MSS will be doing any additional (beyond current operations) JunoCam work due to extended mission?

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 9 2021, 05:18 PM

QUOTE (Brian Swift @ Jan 9 2021, 12:06 AM) *
Mike, do you know yet if MSS [sic, it's MSSS] will be doing any additional (beyond current operations) JunoCam work due to extended mission?

Planning the satellite encounters and processing the results is obviously beyond the scope of what we've been doing so far, so yes.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 9 2021, 06:01 PM

QUOTE (Antdoghalo @ Jan 8 2021, 07:21 PM) *
Large Swaths of Ganymede may be improved depending on how close it is.

Bolton's presentation to OPAG (linked upthread) said the minimum altitude of the Ganymede flyby was 1000 km, at which Junocam would get ~670 meters/pixel resolution. It's a bit hard to say what the best resolution in the current coverage is, but it's probably better than that in most places, and the gaps are near the north and south poles, which AFAIK won't be seen in this encounter. As I said, we won't know for sure until the final flyby geometry is established. Note that this first Ganymede flyby is in mid-2021.

[I guess I should mention that my perspective is obviously Junocam-centric and JIRAM will also get images, which are both higher-resolution and not subject to the limitations of darkness.]

Posted by: antipode Jan 9 2021, 10:55 PM

Magnetometer science at the Ganemedian magnetosphere might be interesting too. Are the flyby geometries favourable?
I know the magnetosphere is tiny.
Also - imaging of the Ganemedian ultraviolet aurora!


ps I better read those posts, maybe its in there. I'm excited though. Always great to get bonus unexpected science (thinking of Deep Impact etc)

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 9 2021, 11:28 PM

QUOTE (antipode @ Jan 9 2021, 02:55 PM) *
I better read those posts, maybe its in there.

Start with and

It doesn't look like the final extended mission proposal from Juno was made public, so you have to infer what it may have said from the review of it.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 12 2021, 05:27 PM

QUOTE (mcaplinger @ Jan 9 2021, 10:01 AM) *
we won't know for sure until the final flyby geometry is established.

The SPK file for the current baseline (which may change) is at if people want to look at it.

See for info on the flybys.
Satellite Flyby Events
Satellite Time Range vInf Lat W.Lon Phase Alt.
km km/s deg deg deg km
Ganymede 07-JUN-2021 16:56:07 UTC 3676.38 18.427 23.63 55.23 98.2 1045.2
Ganymede 20-JUL-2021 16:48:30 UTC 52631.20 17.885 -22.46 235.80 80.9 50000.0
Europa 16-OCT-2021 08:46:28 UTC 82920.00 22.502 50.00 217.54 89.8 81359.2
Europa 24-FEB-2022 18:15:38 UTC 48472.17 23.501 77.33 128.35 100.6 46911.4
Io 05-JUL-2022 04:55:50 UTC 87913.57 29.490 77.93 172.05 92.8 86092.0
Europa 29-SEP-2022 09:36:04 UTC 1916.98 23.581 -0.84 49.08 130.1 356.2
Io 14-DEC-2022 23:16:05 UTC 65547.98 30.270 75.99 112.84 100.5 63726.4
Io 01-MAR-2023 01:32:03 UTC 53390.33 29.020 55.00 208.59 71.0 51568.7
Io 16-MAY-2023 03:15:49 UTC 39219.03 29.290 54.18 206.71 67.8 37397.4
Io 31-JUL-2023 04:57:16 UTC 23988.43 29.723 65.11 188.22 77.3 22166.8
Io 15-OCT-2023 06:47:26 UTC 13448.57 29.811 65.86 182.35 77.4 11627.0
Io 30-DEC-2023 08:36:10 UTC 3316.44 30.027 63.69 94.23 108.9 1494.8
Io 03-FEB-2024 17:48:50 UTC 3245.51 30.139 -32.67 35.81 143.6 1423.9
Io 09-APR-2024 05:00:37 UTC 20373.15 29.988 -66.56 294.64 81.5 18551.6
Io 25-NOV-2024 05:33:31 UTC 85679.33 28.794 -55.42 278.23 74.5 83857.7
Io 08-MAY-2025 18:03:36 UTC 90943.96 30.643 -58.63 339.88 113.7 889122.4

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 12 2021, 06:19 PM

Expect an animation of the Io encounters on YouTube by end of day (it will assume HGA to Earth pointing, which at least for the Io flybys based on the OPAG presentation is a reasonable assumption)

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 12 2021, 06:51 PM

Placeholder post for Io flybys based on spk_ref_210111_251021_210111.bsp :

ground track map:

Neat view before the PJ57 encounter:

Posted by: stevesliva Jan 12 2021, 07:44 PM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 12 2021, 01:19 PM) *
(it will assume HGA to Earth pointing, which at least for the Io flybys based on the OPAG presentation is a reasonable assumption)

...because radioscience?

Groundswaths are very exciting!

Posted by: Phil Stooke Jan 12 2021, 10:24 PM

This map (from here:)

shows image coverage for the USGS basemap of Ganymede. There will be small areas of high resolution coverage scattered through this.

It suggests to me that any swath of imaging from Juno's closest pass will improve our maps to some extent.


Posted by: volcanopele Jan 12 2021, 10:40 PM

QUOTE (Phil Stooke @ Jan 12 2021, 03:24 PM) *
It suggests to me that any swath of imaging from Juno's closest pass will improve our maps to some extent.

Looks like best imaging along terminator at around 48°W. best "swath" looks centered around 30 W, covering 15 south to 70 N

Posted by: Antdoghalo Jan 12 2021, 11:55 PM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 12 2021, 01:51 PM) *
Placeholder post for Io flybys based on spk_ref_210111_251021_210111.bsp :

ground track map:

That map reminds me of the early Cassini days of observing Titan and anticipating what will we find with each swath. Similar with Io since it changes so much.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 13 2021, 12:08 AM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 12 2021, 02:40 PM) *
Looks like best imaging along terminator at around 48°W.

Something like that, but note that I think this is a little past closest approach. We come in on the night side so the best visible imaging is on the outbound leg, where the resolution is going down fairly quickly.

It'll be cool regardless, but I don't want to oversell it.

Posted by: Bjorn Jonsson Jan 13 2021, 01:40 AM

Ganymede was actually fairly well imaged by the Voyagers since V1 flew by Ganymede when outbound whereas V2 did so when inbound. Later Galileo filled some gaps (plus limited 'postage stamp' hi-res images).

However, there are some really poorly imaged areas on Europa because only one of the Voyagers (V2) obtained moderate resolution images and most of the many Galileo flybys occurred over the antijovian hemisphere (also the HGA problem prevented the return of lots of gap-fill images from non-targeted Europa flybys like G7). The coverage is especially poor near longitude 130 degrees and there are also some 'annoying' patches of low resolution coverage near longitude 70 degrees and longitude 320 degrees. I haven't checked the new Juno SPKs yet (e.g. spk_ref_210111_251021_210111.bsp) so I don't know if Juno has opportunities to image these areas at better resolution but I suspect not.

The two close Io flybys look interesting to me since the ground tracks posted above are over a relatively poorly imaged area.

Of course this is exciting but I suspect the satellite data from JIRAM or even the magnetometer may turn out to be far more interesting than the JunoCam data. That said, I'm especially interested in seeing the JunoCam coverage of Jupiter's north polar region. The north pole will soon be in sunlight which is great and saves me from becoming frustrated by the fact that the north pole will be in darkness when JUICE arrives at Jupiter and will still be in darkness at the end of the mission (there is an inclined phase during JUICE's tour, allowing it to view the polar regions). So we get to see the north pole during summer after all.

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 13 2021, 03:36 AM

Here is the simulation of the best Europa view I found:

Closest approach is over the nightside. Best views over the sub-Jupiter hemisphere.

Posted by: Decepticon Jan 13 2021, 07:35 AM

Very excited to see Europa and Io!

Does Amalthea come close to being imaged?

Very curious to the fallout from Io on its surface.

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 13 2021, 03:33 PM

QUOTE (Bjorn Jonsson @ Jan 12 2021, 06:40 PM) *
The two close Io flybys look interesting to me since the ground tracks posted above are over a relatively poorly imaged area.

Keep in mind that most of the "poorly imaged area" will be in darkness. The terminator will be at around 330 W, so features like Ra and Loki will be illuminated. That being said, the PJ31 images of Io, while not that great in terms of resolution, do suggest to me that JunoCam might be able to do decent Jupiter-shine imaging. Mike would be better placed than me in knowing how well the JunoCAM sensor might perform when imaging a target that is illuminated at 1% of Solar. the effective resolution would be lower due to poorer signal-to-noise, but I don't know how much "play" sequence planners have in adjusting exposure time to deal with the weaker illumination conditions.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 13 2021, 04:07 PM

QUOTE (Decepticon @ Jan 12 2021, 11:35 PM) *
Does Amalthea come close to being imaged?

Juno gets to within 42000 km of Amalthea on 2025-07-13 but it will only be 8 pixels or so across.

Remember that the encounters with the Galileans are as much about changing the orbit as about doing satellite science, and Amalthea is not useful for the former.

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 13 2021, 04:31 PM

And even with JIRAM, Amalthea would be 25x12 pixels in size. still, it could get some disk-resolvable NIR spectra.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 13 2021, 04:52 PM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 13 2021, 07:33 AM) *
JunoCam might be able to do decent Jupiter-shine imaging...

The main issue with the encounters is the spacecraft spin and the maximum cadence of imaging. So we can't take images as quickly as we might like, it may take 2-3 spin periods between images. And we have data volume constraints as well. We could use a lot of TDI for nightside imaging, but it frankly hadn't occurred to me to try it, and I'm not sure how well it would work. But this is something we could try for the earlier Io encounters to see if they would be worthwhile for the close ones.

Posted by: Antdoghalo Jan 13 2021, 11:28 PM

I think what would be cool is an end of mission plunge down the road that flies by Amalthea and gets that image Galileo wasn't able to get.

Posted by: Explorer1 Jan 14 2021, 01:15 AM

That would be awesome, but even if orbital dynamics allowed it, how much time is there to transmit data to Earth during such a final plunge? Amalthea is pretty close to the planet, and the PIs of the other instruments would not want the pipeline hogged, I'd bet!

On a related note, I am wondering how EOM disposal will occur; if the main engine still can't be fired, will it be gravitational assists from a moon that push the last perijove down into the clouds (like Cassini's final encounter with Titan? Or will there be an RCS manouevres at apojove?

Posted by: Bjorn Jonsson Jan 14 2021, 01:28 AM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 13 2021, 03:33 PM) *
Keep in mind that most of the "poorly imaged area" will be in darkness. The terminator will be at around 330 W, so features like Ra and Loki will be illuminated. That being said, the PJ31 images of Io, while not that great in terms of resolution, do suggest to me that JunoCam might be able to do decent Jupiter-shine imaging. Mike would be better placed than me in knowing how well the JunoCAM sensor might perform when imaging a target that is illuminated at 1% of Solar. the effective resolution would be lower due to poorer signal-to-noise, but I don't know how much "play" sequence planners have in adjusting exposure time to deal with the weaker illumination conditions.

I also wonder if the SRU camera might be useful here. Judging from its images of Jupiter's nightside illuminated by Ioshine it seems to work well under low light conditions. The SRU's resolution (16.4 deg FOV and 512x512 pixels) is comparable to JunoCam's. Europa plume search might be interesting too but I have no idea if this (or SRU Io imaging at close range) is feasible. However, I noticed that the extended mission description recommends archiving engineering instrument data.

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 14 2021, 02:21 AM

Animation of Io encounters as promised...

Posted by: Antdoghalo Jan 14 2021, 03:37 AM

I think the best part will be seeing hotspots and aurorae.

Posted by: Adam Hurcewicz Jan 14 2021, 08:55 AM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 14 2021, 03:21 AM) *
Animation of Io encounters as promised...

Great animation.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jan 14 2021, 03:54 PM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 13 2021, 06:21 PM) *
Animation of Io encounters as promised...

Very nice work. You're definitely better at setting the Cosmographia viewpoint than I am.

You can see from this how these encounters might benefit from a little off-pointing of the spin axis, if this is allowed.

As a public service, you might consider doing animations of the Ganymede and Europa close encounters as well, if you have time.

Posted by: volcanopele Jan 20 2021, 09:46 PM

Animation of the Ganymede flyby:

Animation of the Europa flyby:

Posted by: antipode Jan 21 2021, 09:16 PM


Im still getting my head around the fact the Ganymede flyby is so close!


Posted by: Bjorn Jonsson Jan 22 2021, 02:00 AM

QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jan 20 2021, 09:46 PM) *
Animation of the Ganymede flyby:

Animation of the Europa flyby:

Great animations.
For Europa I notice that Juno has a nice view of the patch of poorly imaged terrain in the northern hemisphere near longitude 320 degrees, see e.g. time ~2:30 and onwards in the animation. It seems to me that at least in theory, JunoCam should be able to improve the imaging coverage for this area. The problem with this is that apparently it is not possible to image this area if the spacecraft has to be Earth-pointed (it would have to be far from Earth-pointed it seems).

Posted by: JRehling Jan 22 2021, 02:12 AM

This is almost hard to believe, but if IVO is chosen and both Europa Clipper and JUICE meet their planned schedules, there could be three Jupiter orbiters operating in 2032, each devoted primarily to a different Galilean, and with Callisto itself getting far more than enough close flybys to get a thorough exploration. This is like a long journey through the desert suddenly arriving at a river.

That said, as EC and JUICE are approved, but IVO is as of yet not, I look most forward to the Io data from Juno, and secondarily to any possible Europa plumes search, particularly in the sense that Io and Europa are potentially time-varying, while Ganymede is, notionally, not.

One extremely noteworthy opportunity: The icy shell of Europa is known not to rotate synchronously with respect to Europa's interior, but the baseline in time from Voyager to Galileo was not sufficient, at the given resolution, to give us a first order measurement of the motion which should, in principle, be observable. Just one good image of Europa might suddenly give us that value. The timeline from Voyager 1 to Juno is just about double that of Voyager 1 to Galileo.

Posted by: Decepticon Jan 22 2021, 05:16 AM

Is the Late 2021 Europa encounter still happening?

Alt 88,000km Flyby

Posted by: ugordan Jan 23 2021, 07:20 PM

QUOTE (JRehling @ Jan 22 2021, 03:12 AM) *
This is almost hard to believe, but if IVO is chosen and both Europa Clipper and JUICE meet their planned schedules, there could be three Jupiter orbiters operating in 2032, each devoted primarily to a different Galilean, and with Callisto itself getting far more than enough close flybys to get a thorough exploration. This is like a long journey through the desert suddenly arriving at a river.

I agree, that would be a most amazing period of exploration, although I don't like counting chickens until they are hatched, as they say.

The Jupiter system is still my favorite (sorry, Saturn) in terms of diversity and some of the "big" questions we want answered. I may be very biased here, but then again, so is my avatar image...

Posted by: vjkane Jan 23 2021, 08:21 PM

QUOTE (JRehling @ Jan 21 2021, 06:12 PM) *
This is almost hard to believe, but if IVO is chosen and both Europa Clipper and JUICE meet their planned schedules, there could be three Jupiter orbiters operating in 2032, each devoted primarily to a different Galilean, and with Callisto itself getting far more than enough close flybys to get a thorough exploration. This is like a long journey through the desert suddenly arriving at a river.

The latest information I have on IVO show's it entering Jovian orbit and having it's first Io encounter in August 2033.

Posted by: JRehling Jan 26 2021, 10:07 PM

Thanks for that, Van. I've seen a few different dates, and if most/all of these missions occur, the timelines could overlap or be a near miss.

To add one more possibility, Trident would enter the jovian system for a gravity assist, so if IVO and Trident were both chosen we would have the possibility of a ludicrous four different missions observing the Galileans at the same time, or in relatively short order!

Posted by: vjkane Jan 26 2021, 11:09 PM

Timelines for Jovian missions:

JUICE Jovian orbit: Q4/29 - Q2/32
JUICE Ganymede orbit: Q3/32 - Q3/33

Clipper (Falcon Heavy): Q2/30 - Q2/33 (prime mission)

IVO: Q2/33 - Q2/37 (prime mission)

Trident: Q2/32

So Q2/32 could be a busy time in the Jovian System, AND!:

Chinese Gan De orbiter: 2035+ (could be multiple Io flybys or a Callisto orbiter)
Not sure if this is still in the concept stage or is a committed mission. However, it's been talked about for several years, and the Chinese have been good at following through with their plans.

Posted by: Decepticon Feb 21 2021, 02:56 AM

Can anyone confirm if the Europa distant flyby is happening or not later this year?

I'm starting to worry it's not happening anymore because it's not mentioned anywhere except in 1 youtube video talking about the mission extension.

There are no details for any of the encounters Ganymede/Europa/Io or planned science planned for each encounter.
I've tried to google any details and find nothing.

Posted by: mcaplinger Feb 21 2021, 04:52 AM

QUOTE (Decepticon @ Feb 20 2021, 06:56 PM) *
I'm starting to worry it's not happening anymore because it's not mentioned anywhere...

Just chill. What makes you think the broad descriptions of the extended mission linked to upthread are not happening? They are happening. The first Ganymede encounter isn't until June and some of us are a little busy working on other things just at the moment.

Posted by: vjkane Feb 21 2021, 04:44 PM

QUOTE (mcaplinger @ Feb 20 2021, 08:52 PM) *
Just chill. What makes you think the broad descriptions of the extended mission linked to upthread are not happening? They are happening. The first Ganymede encounter isn't until June and some of us are a little busy working on other things just at the moment.

The extended mission including the satellite encounters is approved. NASA's managers and the Juno team are negotiating the amount of funding and hence the depth of the science investigations. Per the most recent OPAG meeting about two weeks ago, NASA asked the Juno and InSight teams to propose different levels of funding representing different levels of operational complexity and scientific goals. For both missions, NASA's managers selected the medium level, meaning that not everything that could be done would be done. The ongoing discussions are about which observations will be done (and hence the final level of budget that NASA will provide the mission team).

Posted by: ugordan Feb 21 2021, 05:00 PM

QUOTE (vjkane @ Feb 21 2021, 05:44 PM) *
For both missions, NASA's managers selected the medium level, meaning that not everything that could be done would be done.

I wasn't aware of that, my assumption based on reading between the lines on Juno mission extension a few weeks ago was that the high level was approved. I don't have the Juno proposal on hand right now, could you elaborate on what kind of Europa science would be lost with this medium level?

Posted by: vjkane Feb 21 2021, 06:41 PM

QUOTE (ugordan @ Feb 21 2021, 09:00 AM) *
I wasn't aware of that, my assumption based on reading between the lines on Juno mission extension a few weeks ago was that the high level was approved. I don't have the Juno proposal on hand right now, could you elaborate on what kind of Europa science would be lost with this medium level?

In both the verbal comments during the Juno OPAG update and in the discussions during the OPAG 'town halls' (time periods for questions and open discussion), the medium level of support was brought up. The PI said that in the medium budget level submitted, the funds covered only the planning and navigation necessary for the spacecraft to physically arrive at the encounter locations but not science. HOWEVER, it was made clear by both the PI and NASA's managers that this was the starting point and they were actively negotiation the level of science (and presumably additional funding) that would be performed. No details were provided, which is appropriate given that the discussions were in place.

My takeaway: We aren't likely to get every bit of science from all the encounters with the moons and rings (or probably the Jupiter observations) that would be theoretically possible. However, we will get significant science, presumably the scientifically most important observations. NASA does plan to support adding additional scientists to the mission in part to support the new range of observations.

I'll note that reduced levels of operations and hence scientific observations compared to a theoretical maximum are normal in extended missions. While operations become more efficient with experience, NASA can't keep the operations funding levels at what they were in prime missions. NASA has a budget for all extended missions and needs to spread it across all the missions in that category.

One other tidbit was that the PI stated that there probably could be opportunities to examine the small inner moons if NASA decides to fund the work needed to examine orbital options.

(As a side note for my personal opinion, I suspect that NASA will prioritize the Europa observations highly since they can be used to plan Clipper observations. Io, I suspect, will get the second priority because there are no approved missions to improve observations over Galileo, while Ganymede will get lots of love from JUICE. But all of this is speculation.)

Posted by: owlsyme Jun 9 2021, 05:46 AM

(edited down to closest approaches)

QUOTE (mcaplinger @ Jan 12 2021, 11:27 AM) *
Satellite Flyby Events
Satellite Time Range vInf Lat W.Lon Phase Alt.
km km/s deg deg deg km
Ganymede 07-JUN-2021 16:56:07 UTC 3676.38 18.427 23.63 55.23 98.2 1045.2
Europa 29-SEP-2022 09:36:04 UTC 1916.98 23.581 -0.84 49.08 130.1 356.2
Io 30-DEC-2023 08:36:10 UTC 3316.44 30.027 63.69 94.23 108.9 1494.8
Io 03-FEB-2024 17:48:50 UTC 3245.51 30.139 -32.67 35.81 143.6 1423.9

This is fantastic - I didn't realize we were going to get these close approaches!

Posted by: Ken Arromdee Jun 9 2021, 06:39 PM

Is any orbit going to put Juno where it can get a better picture of a small inner moon than ones we already have?

I would assume that the mission wouldn't target one, but there's always the possibility of it flying close to one just by chance.

Posted by: Explorer1 Jun 9 2021, 09:09 PM

Not that much of a chance. A 53 day orbit means a little less than 7 perijoves per year. Even multiplied by several years, unless one stretches the definition of 'close', I don't see it happening even in the extended mission, and certainly not enough to resolve Amalthea and co. as anything more than a point.

Cassini got many targets of opportunity because it stayed in the plane shared by the satellites, for many years, as well as the (generally) shorter orbits and much larger resolution on the camera, so the spacecraft didn't need to get particularly close. There were also many more small targets to choose from, of course.

Posted by: pioneer Jun 9 2021, 11:14 PM

QUOTE (Explorer1 @ Jun 9 2021, 10:09 PM) *
Cassini got many targets of opportunity because it stayed in the plane shared by the satellites, for many years, as well as the (generally) shorter orbits and much larger resolution on the camera, so the spacecraft didn't need to get particularly close. There were also many more small targets to choose from, of course.

I think you meant Galileo. Cassini flew by Jupiter briefly in 2000.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jun 9 2021, 11:21 PM

QUOTE (Explorer1 @ Jun 9 2021, 01:09 PM) *
Not that much of a chance. A 53 day orbit means a little less than 7 perijoves per year.

Agreed, although the orbit period has now been reduced to 43 days.

I ran a search with the reference trajectory a while back, and the best one I found then was an 8-pixel view of Amalthea in July 2025 which may or may not be usable within other constraints.

Posted by: Explorer1 Jun 9 2021, 11:36 PM

QUOTE (pioneer @ Jun 9 2021, 07:14 PM) *
I think you meant Galileo. Cassini flew by Jupiter briefly in 2000.

No, I meant Cassini (referring to flybys of very small irregular satellites). Saturn just has so many more to choose from.

Posted by: Decepticon Jun 10 2021, 10:09 PM

There are still distant observations I believe are planned. There are shown here.

Ganymede Mid 2021 50,000KM
Europa Mid 2021 88,000KM
Europa Early 2022 47,000KM
Io Mid 2022 85,000KM

Plus more.


Posted by: Tom Tamlyn Aug 1 2021, 10:30 PM

Does anyone recognize who processed this image? Was it one of our resident wizards?

It was posted in another forum, and I'd like to add an appropriate credit.

Posted by: Brian Swift Aug 3 2021, 06:50 AM

QUOTE (Tom Tamlyn @ Aug 1 2021, 02:30 PM) *
Does anyone recognize who processed this image? Was it one of our resident wizards?

It was posted in another forum, and I'd like to add an appropriate credit.

Looks like a derivative of this PJ06_123 image
which is the work of Gerald Eichstädt and Justin Cowart.

Posted by: Tom Tamlyn Aug 4 2021, 02:25 AM

Thanks very much.

Posted by: Antdoghalo Apr 23 2024, 11:57 PM

With the Galilean flyby's accomplished, eyes will start turning towards whether Juno will get another mission extension next year. Any possible clues on what will happen?

Posted by: nprev May 16 2024, 11:29 PM

Nice JPL article about recent from JunoCam.

Posted by: Explorer1 May 17 2024, 01:40 AM

QUOTE (Antdoghalo @ Apr 23 2024, 07:57 PM) *
With the Galilean flyby's accomplished, eyes will start turning towards whether Juno will get another mission extension next year. Any possible clues on what will happen?

What is the limiting factor on operations continuing? It's not radiation damage (which has been much more benign than expected), so it is fuel, or some other system that is reaching the end of life?

Posted by: Brian Swift Jul 8 2024, 03:16 AM

QUOTE (Explorer1 @ May 16 2024, 05:40 PM) *
What is the limiting factor on operations continuing? It's not radiation damage (which has been much more benign than expected), so it is fuel, or some other system that is reaching the end of life?

I've also wondered if the fuel not used for the post JOI burn to change orbit to 14-day period is available to small thrusters, or if they are separate systems.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jul 8 2024, 04:44 AM

QUOTE (Brian Swift @ Jul 7 2024, 08:16 PM) *
I've also wondered if the fuel not used for the post JOI burn to change orbit to 14-day period is available to small thrusters, or if they are separate systems.

If you believe the simplified diagram in then all the hydrazine fuel is available to the monoprop thrusters.

Posted by: Brian Swift Jul 8 2024, 06:11 AM

QUOTE (mcaplinger @ Jul 7 2024, 08:44 PM) *
If you believe the simplified diagram in then all the hydrazine fuel is available to the monoprop thrusters.

Thanks. Cool read. Hopefully all the instruments last as long as all that fuel.

Posted by: mcaplinger Jul 8 2024, 02:58 PM

QUOTE (Brian Swift @ Jul 7 2024, 11:11 PM) *
Hopefully all the instruments last as long as all that fuel.

Not clear how much that is, though, since the mission has lasted far longer and done more monoprop maneuvers than ever intended.

The status update at the last OPAG said "end of mission likely defined by propellant or radiation" and indicated that the project was considering an additional 11 orbits, out to PJ87.

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