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Unmanned _ Past and Future _ The martian panoramas

Posted by: Glevesque Apr 23 2020, 01:33 PM

For those nostalgic for Martian exploration, here are two documents which retrace the Vikings, Pathfinder, MER, Phoenix and Curiosity missions on Martian soil. InSight, March 2020 Perseverance as well as the Chinese mission Tianwen-1 Zhùróng are in preparation for volume 2. I also plan to have volume 1 translated into English.
I am looking for a translator before publication in paper format at the end of the Curiosity mission. PDF files will remain free.

Pour les nostalgiques de l'exploration martienne, voici deux documents qui retracent les missions Vikings, Pathfinder, MER, Phoenix et Curiosity sur le sol martien. InSight, Mars 2020 Perseverance ainsi que la mission chinoise Tianwen-1 Zhùróng sont en préparation pour le tome 2. J'ai également le projet de faire traduire en anglais le tome 1.
Je recherche un traducteur avant la publication en format papier à la fin de la mission de Curiosity. Les fichiers PDF resteront gratuits.

New update Volume 1 : (01 september 2023)

- The Martian Panoramics - GEDIZ VALLIS CHANNEL

Posted by: Glevesque Apr 23 2020, 02:39 PM

The chapter on Curiosity is not finished (abandonment of the project)
There are some corrections to be made to the chapter on Curiosity :

Posted by: nprev Apr 25 2020, 06:25 AM

Topic moved from Spirit to Mars & Missions>Past and Future. Duplicate topic in Opportunity deleted; please do NOT do that.

Posted by: Glevesque Apr 30 2020, 07:17 PM

I just discovered the book of Philip J. Stooke ». It is really a great job for the history of the Martian missions. A great job and a great book to savor....

Edit and : The International Atlas of Mars Exploration: Volume 2, Philip J. Stooke, CUP 2014

Posted by: Phil Stooke May 2 2020, 01:41 AM

Busy with Volume 3 now.


Posted by: Glevesque Jul 15 2020, 12:46 PM

Thank you for the info, I can't wait ! rolleyes.gif

Will you include the list of Sols for DD observation for mission ? (vikings, pathfinder, Mer and Curiosity) dd.gif and a suggestion of daily rolling list greater than 100 meters (my obsession!) pancam.gif

A big thank you for your work.

Posted by: Glevesque Oct 17 2022, 02:17 PM

QUOTE (Phil Stooke @ May 1 2020, 08:41 PM) *
Busy with Volume 3 now.


Is it finished, do you have a link!

I have taken the updates and corrections from the book <Les Panoramiques Martiens>.


Est-il terminé, aurai-tu un lien !

J'ai repris les mises à jours et les corrections du livre < Les Panoramiques Martiens>.

Posted by: Phil Stooke Oct 17 2022, 06:49 PM

Hi - sorry I did not see your earlier question until now.

The original plan was to complete Volume 3 in December 2022 and send it to the publisher. It would have been released in about December 2023 or early 2024. But work has gone slowly, partly because Perseverance has been so difficult to work with (no daily or weekly updates and still no science target identification in PDS). So I have been given an extra year. I will submit to the publisher at the end of 2023 and it will be published about a year after that.

I will not be including daily DD details, though they often get mentioned in the test for a given day. And I was not planning to tabulate long drives.


Posted by: Phil Stooke Oct 17 2022, 09:09 PM

Following on from that, I found this:

The Opportunity end of mission report. It includes some drive statistics. Lots of interesting material. If anyone has time to search for similar things for other missions, we might collect links here.


Posted by: Glevesque Oct 18 2022, 02:05 AM

thank you Phil

Posted by: vikingmars Oct 18 2022, 07:41 AM

QUOTE (Phil Stooke @ Oct 17 2022, 11:09 PM) *
Following on from that, I found this:
The Opportunity end of mission report. It includes some drive statistics. Lots of interesting material. If anyone has time to search for similar things for other missions, we might collect links here.

Thanks so much Phil - and to Gilles - for those impressive contributions of yours wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif
Here is the link for the end of report mission for Spirit smile.gif

Posted by: Glevesque Oct 18 2022, 07:13 PM

New update with corrected errors for Curiosity (ex: mileage and others + addition)

- The Martian Panoramics - From Murray Buttes to Gediz Vallis :


Nouvelle mise à jours avec les erreurs corrigées pour Curiosity (ex : kilomètrages et autres + ajout)

- Les Panoramiques Martiens - De Murray Buttes à Gediz Vallis :

Posted by: john_s Oct 18 2022, 09:15 PM

Magnifique, Gilles!


Posted by: Glevesque Oct 26 2022, 03:31 PM

Finally completed the chapter on Opportunity and the beginning of the chapter 'Gediz Vallis'
The Martian Panoramics - From Murray Buttes to Gediz Vallis (10-26-2022)

Complété enfin le chapitre sur Opportunity et le début du chapitre 'Gediz Vallis'
Les Panoramiques Martiens - De Murray Buttes à Gediz Vallis (26-10-2022)

Posted by: vikingmars Oct 26 2022, 05:58 PM

QUOTE (Glevesque @ Oct 26 2022, 05:31 PM) *
Finally completed the chapter on Opportunity and the beginning of the chapter 'Gediz Vallis'
The Martian Panoramics - From Murray Buttes to Gediz Vallis (10-26-2022)

Complété enfin le chapitre sur Opportunity et le début du chapitre 'Gediz Vallis'
Les Panoramiques Martiens - De Murray Buttes à Gediz Vallis (26-10-2022)

GRAND BRAVO, Gilles smile.gif

Posted by: Glevesque Oct 30 2022, 07:29 AM

I retouched an image of Jan van Driel which I find superb, I hope he will like it. the original is here:

Also thank you for any suggestions for corrections.

You will find the last update of the document in the first post of this discussion (check the date)


J'ai retouché une image de Jan van Driel que je trouve superbe j'espère qu'il aimera. l'original est ici :

Merci également pour toutes suggestion de correction

Vous retrouverez la dernière mise à jour du document dans le premier poste de cette discusion (vérifier la date)

Posted by: Glevesque Nov 5 2022, 02:58 PM

Curiosity trajet map Sols 1427-3199

Posted by: Glevesque Dec 29 2022, 09:14 PM

Mars 360: NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover - Sol 3684 (360 video 8K) - Andrew Bodrov

NASA's Mars Exploration Program (360 video)

Posted by: scalbers Dec 30 2022, 03:56 PM

Here is some related pertaining to the Viking panoramas that I had a role in.

Posted by: Glevesque Jan 2 2023, 06:01 AM

QUOTE (scalbers @ Dec 30 2022, 10:56 AM) *
Here is some related pertaining to the Viking panoramas that I had a role in.

Thank you for the info. I am looking for information for the panorama of Viking 2 for the book (Sol and hours). Do you have any info about it. Thanks in advance.

Source :


Merci pour les infos. Je cherches des informations pour le panorama de Viking 2 pour le livre (Sol et heures). Aurais-tu des info a se sujet. Merci d'avance.

Source :

Posted by: scalbers Jan 2 2023, 06:31 PM

Thanks for your interest and info. These appear to be the noon mosaics from the VL2 Cameras, using a series of hi-res .04 degree pixel resolution images. They were taken during the mid-day period over multiple Sols. I'll check to see if I can dig out any info on the exact list of images for the version I worked on, though we could also deduce some of this from the PDS image catalog online (looking for NOON MOSAIC images).

Calvin Hamilton's version for VL2 made in 1997 is of pretty good quality resolution-wise, though it seems to filter out the azimuthal variation in brightness inherent to the scene I like to see from the other versions.

Posted by: Glevesque Jan 16 2023, 10:01 PM

I would like to find information to correct and complete the table (see the document) on the daily bearing sessions greater than one hundred meters. Thanks

 Daily_Rolling_Session_of_100_Meters_and_more.doc ( 189.5K ) : 155


J'aimerais trouver des informations pour corriger et compléter le tableau (voir le document) sur les séances de roulements quotidien supérieur au cent mètres. Merci

 Daily_Rolling_Session_of_100_Meters_and_more.doc ( 189.5K ) : 155

Posted by: Glevesque Jan 18 2023, 04:22 PM

I completed the table and updated the document in the previous post. A new update of the book is also available, see the first post of this dicsusion to download it.


J'ai complété le tableau et mis à jour le document dans le poste précédent. Une nouvelle mise à jour du livre est également disponible, voir le premier poste de cette dicsusion pour le télécharger.

Posted by: Glevesque Jan 27 2023, 11:10 PM

Curiosity's path between Sols 3200-3720

I make available all the cards from the book

Book last updated on January 27, 2023
End of the Gediz Vallis chapter

See the opening post of this discussion to download the document (pdf)


Trajet de Curiosity entre les Sols 3200-3720

Je rends disponible l'ensembles des cartes du livre

Dernière mise à jours du livre le 27 janvier 2023
Fin du chapitre Gediz Vallis

Voir le poste d'ouverture de cette discussion pour télécharger le document (pdf)

Posted by: Glevesque Feb 14 2023, 01:39 PM

We see a fairly complex alternation of lithified layers depending on the elevation of Curiosity's route on the slopes of Mount Sharp with the first fifteen boreholes (in a later chapter I would like to make a second diagram with the rest of the boreholes, i.e. from 16 to . ..). We can observe an alternation of wet layer composed of Mudstone with drier sedimentary layers of origin of wind erosion (Stimson formation). I would like to complete the table below to trace this chronology according to the different geological eras, if anyone has additional information I am interested.

It will have in any event a third category to be placed under the Stimson formation of the diagram (lower part) according to the sulphate deposits found from Gediz Vallis

Here is the source of the main schema:

Here is the file and the information I am looking to complete :
Regroupement des Forages par Site :  Regroupement_des_Forages_par_Site.doc ( 93.5K ) : 154


On voit une alternance de couche lithifier assez complexe selon l'élévation du parcours de Curiosity sur les pentes du mont Sharp avec les quinze premier forages (dans un chapitre ultérieur j'aimerais faire un deuxième schéma avec le reste des forage soit de 16 à ...). On peut observer une alternance de couche humide composé de Mudstone avec des couches sédimentaires plus sèche d'origine d'érosion éolienne (formation Stimson). J'aimerais compléter le tableau ci-dessous pour retracer cette chronologie selon les différentes ères géologique, si quelqu'un a des informations complémentaires je suis preneurs.

Il aura de toute éventualité une troisième catégorie a placer sous la formation Stimson du schéma (partie inférieur) suivant les dépôts sulfatés trouvés à partir de Gediz Vallis

Voici la source du schéma principale :

Voici le fichier et les informations que je cherches a compléter :
Regroupement des Forages par Site :  Regroupement_des_Forages_par_Site.doc ( 93.5K ) : 154

Posted by: Glevesque Feb 23 2023, 03:42 AM

I made a new update of the document "Les Panoramiques Martiens" (2023-02-25).

I had abandoned the project in 2018 to resume it just last year. In the meantime, several sites on which I had based my distance calculations have disappeared, and I have therefore decided to resume all the calculations of distances traveled between the figures of each Curiosity panorama according to the standard of the NASA reference site. Everything is now as precise as possible, and it was a big job that is finally finished.

Where is Curiosity? ( )

I also made several small corrections / deletions, including some daily rolling sessions greater than one hundred meters too much or imprecise, in fact the sites on which I used to base myself (enter 2012 to 2018) turned out to be too imprecise. I also corrected certain dates of events, added photos, modified/corrected several boards summarizing the route by stage of the rovers (MER and Curiosity), in addition to adding the beginning of the chapter 'GEDIZ VALLIS CHANNEL', etc.

You can find the link to download the document above or in the first post of this discussion.


J'ai effectué une nouvelle mise à jour du document « Les Panoramiques Martiens » (2023-02-25).

J'avais abandonné le projet en 2018 pour le reprendre juste l'année dernière. Entre temps plusieurs sites sur lequel j'avais basé mes calcules de distance ont disparus, et j'ai donc décider de reprendre toutes les calcules de distances parcourus entre les figures de chaque panorama de Curiosity suivant la norme du site de référence de la Nasa. Tout y est maintenant le plus précis possible, et ce fut un gros travail qui est enfin terminé.

Where is Curiosity? ( )

J'ai apporté aussi plusieurs petites corrections/suppressions, dont certaines séances de roulement quotidiens supérieurs au cent mètres en trop ou imprécis, en fait les sites sur lequel je me basais jadis (entrer 2012 à 2018) ce sont révélés êtres trop imprécis. J'ai également corrigé certaine date d'événements, ajouté des photos, modifié/corrigé plusieurs planches résumant le trajet par étape des rovers (MER et Curiosity), en plus de l'ajout du début du chapitre 'GEDIZ VALLIS CHANNEL', etc.

Vous pouvez retrouver le lien pour télécharger le document ci-haut ou dans le premier poste de cette discussion.

Posted by: Glevesque Feb 26 2023, 04:40 AM

Curiosity Rover's Location:

Posted by: Glevesque Feb 27 2023, 03:11 AM

To not forget wink.gif

A Guide to Gale Crater (2014-01-24)
Ref :

Curiosity Rover Finds New Clues to Mars’ Watery Past (2023-02-8)
Ref :

Posted by: Glevesque Mar 1 2023, 01:16 PM

- The Curiosity Rover's Exploration of Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars: An Overview of the Campaign and Scientific Results (26 juin 2022)

- Mineralogy of Vera Rubin Ridge From the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument (24 June 2020)

- Sedimentary Organics in Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars: Results From the SAM Instrument Suite and Supporting Laboratory Analyses (12 September 2022)

- Geology and Stratigraphic Correlation of the Murray and Carolyn Shoemaker Formations Across the Glen Torridon Region, Gale Crater, Mars (12 September 2022)

- Spectral Diversity of Rocks and Soils in Mastcam Observations Along the Curiosity Rover's Traverse in Gale Crater, Mars (08 August 2022)

Posted by: Glevesque Mar 9 2023, 07:59 PM

I made a new update by correcting and adjusting the text according to the data I posted in the previous post. See the first post of this discussion to download the document.

Thank you, Gilles

Posted by: Glevesque Mar 17 2023, 11:35 PM

I added a sky to the wonderful panorama of Jan van Driel from sol 3771

Original image source:

Posted by: Glevesque Apr 8 2023, 02:13 PM

Mars 360: NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover - Sol 3716 (360video 8K)

Posted by: Glevesque May 22 2023, 06:56 PM

Depositional and Diagenetic Processes of Martian Lacustrine Sediments as Revealed at Pahrump Hills by the Mars Hand Lens Imager, Gale Crater, Mars (18 April 2023)

Mars 360: NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover - Sol 3746 (360video 8K)

Posted by: Glevesque May 24 2023, 07:40 PM

Posted by: Phil Stooke May 25 2023, 03:12 AM



Posted by: Glevesque May 31 2023, 02:55 PM

Thanks Phil !

Posted by: Glevesque May 31 2023, 03:03 PM

Posted by: Glevesque May 31 2023, 03:19 PM

For those who would like to have the images in higher definition (1.8 MB each image in book). Leave me a message !

Posted by: vikingmars Jun 1 2023, 04:54 PM

QUOTE (Glevesque @ May 31 2023, 05:19 PM) *
For those who would like to have the images in higher definition (1.8 MB each image in book). Leave me a message !

GRAND BRAVO Gilles wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif

Posted by: Glevesque Jun 1 2023, 06:07 PM

Thanks vikingmars

Posted by: Glevesque Jun 3 2023, 01:57 PM

You can download the images on the rover tracks in high definition (.bmp) here :

Let me know if the images are available.

I have also made a new update to the book which you can download in the first post of this thread. (10 juin 2023)

Posted by: Glevesque Jun 17 2023, 01:02 AM

Mars 360: NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover - Sol 3815 (360video 8K)

Posted by: Glevesque Jul 2 2023, 07:01 PM

Publications between 2008-2023 involving members of the MSL scientific team

Mars Science Laboratory Science Team Papers

Posted by: Glevesque Aug 20 2023, 04:36 PM

This is the biggest update made so far (August 20, 2023). I revisited in second reading all the chapters starting from the introduction until Opportunity, This is the verification and the final update for its chapters of the book, it will miss a last verification on the spelling that I will do before publication in paper form at the end of the Curiosity mission (for those who wish), and which will be at cost price only, the PDF file will remain free and accessible for all.

Its chapters have undergone a complete verification with additions and corrections based on several sources (see below) which has changed the formatting from the original version written for several years for certain chapters (10 years for some). Over the course of updates, omissions, bits of sentence that disappear have been detected and corrected (since the migration following the closure of the Google site which hosted the web version of the book, closure that I decided following to a conversion format incompatibility following the change of Google, and on which I relied for updates and corrections).

Philip J. Stook's book has been of great help to me in getting my coordination and history in sync, whom I greatly commend by the way for his tremendous work and persistence on the UMSF (Unmanned Space Flight) forum as well than Jan van Driel since 2004 and even before, and I don't forget the wonderful images of Damia Bouic, Thomas Appéré, James Sorenson, James Canvin, Olivier de Goursac, and Neville Tompson, as well as many others (bravo to all and thank you ).

Soon I will begin the final correction of Phoenix, and continue the updates for Curiosity until the end of its mission on Mars.

See the first post of this thread to download the document.

Source for verification:

- The International Atlas of Mars Exploration: Volume 2,
Philip J. Stooke, Cambridge University Press 2014

- Results From the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit and Opportunity Missions
-Mars Pathfinder
- Viking 1 et 2
- Spirit Archive :
- Opportunity Archive :
- The Planetary Society : Mars Exploration Rover (Emily Lakdawalla)
- Nirgal : From the Red Planet to the Origin of Life, Philippe Labro
- Forun Unmanned (MER rover talks)

Posted by: Glevesque Aug 24 2023, 04:33 PM

- First Results From The Phoenix Mission to Mars updated: 18 March 2018

Posted by: Glevesque Oct 31 2023, 11:35 AM

- Mineralogical Investigation of Mg-Sulfate at the Canaima Drill Site, Gale Crater, Mars

For the first time on Mars, the crystalline magnesium-sulfate mineral starkeyite (MgSO4‧4H2O) was definitively identified using the CheMin X-ray diffraction instrument at Gale crater. At the Canaima drill site, starkeyite along with amorphous MgSO4‧nH2O are among the “polyhydrated Mg-sulfates” interpreted in orbital reflectance spectra. Mg-sulfates are good climate indicators as they are very responsive to changes in temperature and relative humidity. We hypothesize that, through evaporation, Mg-sulfates formed at the end of brine evolution when ion concentrations became saturated and precipitated on the surface or near sub-surface as either epsomite or meridianiite.

Posted by: Glevesque Nov 23 2023, 01:11 PM

Results From Mars Pathfinder

Posted by: vikingmars Nov 24 2023, 06:48 AM

QUOTE (Glevesque @ Nov 23 2023, 02:11 PM) *
Results From Mars Pathfinder

Merci beaucoup Gilles : que de bons souvenirs avec cette mission ! smile.gif
Et merci de nous partager votre passion et votre engagement pour l'exploration de Mars smile.gif

Thank you very much Gilles: this mission left me with such good memories! smile.gif
And thank you for sharing your passion and commitment for the exploration of Mars smile.gif

Posted by: Glevesque Jan 7 2024, 06:38 PM

I plan to start volume 2 of the Martian Panoramics to include the Mars 2020 missions Perseverance, InSight and Zhurong. I am asking for your opinion on the subject to know if it would really be worth it to pursue these projects?


J'ai le projet d'entamer le tome 2 des Panoramiques Martiens pour y inclure les missions de Mars 2020 Perseverance, InSight et Zhurong. Je demande votre point de vue sur le sujet pour savoir si cela en voudrait vraiment la peine de poursuivre se projets ?

Posted by: vikingmars Jan 8 2024, 07:24 AM

QUOTE (Glevesque @ Jan 7 2024, 07:38 PM) *
I plan to start volume 2 of the Martian Panoramics to include the Mars 2020 missions Perseverance, InSight and Zhurong. I am asking for your opinion on the subject to know if it would really be worth it to pursue these projects?
J'ai le projet d'entamer le tome 2 des Panoramiques Martiens pour y inclure les missions de Mars 2020 Perseverance, InSight et Zhurong. Je demande votre point de vue sur le sujet pour savoir si cela en voudrait vraiment la peine de poursuivre se projets ?

Congratulations Gilles for this good job of yours.
Yes, it’s worth it: but it’s going to be a huge task.
Summarizing a mission Sol by Sol is a tedious work and I have already experienced it many times.
Have courage! smile.gif

Bravo Gilles pour tout ce que vous faites.
Oui, ça vaut le coup : mais cela va être un gros travail.
Résumer Sol par Sol une mission est fastidieux et je l'ai déjà maintes fois vécu.
Courage ! smile.gif

Posted by: Quetzalcoatl Jan 9 2024, 01:58 PM

Bonjour Gilles,

Je suis persuadé que les amoureux de l'exploration martienne seraient enchantés à pouvoir continuer de bénéficier du formidable travail que tu leur proposes.
Je me joins à Olivier pour t'en féliciter et t'adresse mes meilleurs voeux pour cette nouvelle année.

Posted by: Glevesque Jan 10 2024, 01:16 AM

Thanks vikingmars and Quetzalcoatl mars.gif

Posted by: Glevesque Mar 28 2024, 09:20 PM

Video on the complete mole movement


The follow-up to this mission was fascinating, despite its slow progress at the beginning, whether in detail or by resolving the technical challenges encountered on the ground, and thus continuing the mission as long as possible. This made it possible to accumulate first-rate scientific data. Well done and thank you to the forum members here for letting us experience this!

The first chapter of Volume 2 of Martian Panoramics is almost finished (InSight), all that is missing is to complete the main page and translate some image text. I have also finished but not finished Zhurong and I am starting Perseverance this month, and the Curiosity update for September 2024.


Le suivit de cette mission a été passionnant, malgré son lent déroulement au début, que ce soit dans le détail ou par la résolution des défis techniques rencontrées sur le terrain, et de perduré ainsi la mission le plus longtemps possible. Ce qui a permit d'accumuler des données scientifiques de premier ordres. Bravo et merci aux membres du forum ici pour nous avoir fait vivre cela !

Le premier chapitre du Tome 2 Des Panoramiques Martiens est presque fini (InSight), il ne manque qu'a compléter la planche principale et traduire certains texte d'images. J'ai également fini mais pas terminé Zhurong et j'entame ce mois-ci Perseverance, et la mise à jours de Curiosity pour septembre 2024.

Posted by: Glevesque May 1 2024, 07:20 PM

I found this arctic very good which sums up the 397 first Sol. (Abrasion and coring)

Overview and Results From the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover's First Science Campaign on the Jezero Crater Floor: 10 May 2023

Posted by: Quetzalcoatl May 2 2024, 09:27 AM

Encore merci Gilles. smile.gif

Posted by: vikingmars May 3 2024, 04:33 AM

QUOTE (Glevesque @ May 1 2024, 09:20 PM) *
I found this arctic very good which sums up the 397 first Sol. (Abrasion and coring)

Overview and Results From the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover's First Science Campaign on the Jezero Crater Floor: 10 May 2023

Merci beaucoup Gilles smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: Glevesque Jun 4 2024, 01:42 PM

Mars Rover Perseverance : en Busca de Microbios Marcianos, Kenneth Farley, 23 mai 2024

Posted by: Glevesque Aug 5 2024, 01:53 PM

Posted by: Glevesque Aug 22 2024, 11:11 PM

Posted by: Glevesque Aug 26 2024, 11:34 PM

Posted by: Glevesque Aug 26 2024, 11:48 PM

Posted by: Glevesque Aug 29 2024, 01:38 PM

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